Filler for toilet for cats - rating of the best means

Filler for the toilet for cats - a must for owners of four-pricked pets. For convenience, different compositions are used, which have their advantages and disadvantages. In the pet stores there is a wide range of similar products, so the choice should not be a problem.

Types of excipients for cats

To choose a good composition, you must consider its compliance with several requirements. It is important that it has excellent absorbency properties and is safe for animals and humans. Another significant requirement is convenience and ease of use. To understand which filler for cats is better, it is necessary to take into account that all the presented assortment is divided into several categories: by composition, weight, method of liquid absorption, granulometry and additional additives. When choosing one should be guided by the following features:

  1. The selected material should not pick up dust. Its main task is to retain moisture and an unpleasant smell. Note that they should not stick to the paws.
  2. There are animals that do not respond well to flavors, in which case choose products without them.
  3. Consider the pros and cons of the existing cat litter for the cat to choose the right one for your pet.

Filler silica gel for cats

The hydrophilic sorbent is called silica gel , and it is a solid granule that is obtained after drying the gel obtained from a solution of silicic acids. Main characteristics:

  1. It has excellent absorbent properties, absorbing not only moisture, but also the smell.
  2. Silicone filler for cats for toilet can be represented by crystals with sharp edges or round balls. Keep in mind that the longer the coat, the greater the weight of the pellets.
  3. Economical. Standard packaging is enough for a month.
  4. Silica gel does not form dust and does not adhere to the paws.
  5. When using the sorbent, you can not be afraid of excess odor or excess moisture.
  6. During the absorption of liquid, the toilet filler for cats emits hissing and crackling sounds.
  7. If the animal swallows the granules, it can cause severe poisoning and the appearance of health problems.
  8. Some silica gels have sharp crystals, and they can injure the pads on the paws.

Paper Filler for cats

The most accessible for the cat's toilet is a paper version. Because of its minimal useful characteristics, it is unpopular. Absorbent filler for cats for toilet make of paper waste, which directly affects the price and it is low. The main characteristics include:

  1. Veterinarians recommend to choose it to people who have a pet with sensitive feet.
  2. The advantages include environmental friendliness and the ability to choose everything in the toilet.
  3. The main disadvantage concerns poor absorbent properties. The paper is very wet, and it is difficult to clean it.
  4. Does not absorb odors.
  5. Filler for long-haired cats is not suitable, since pieces of paper will become entangled in the wool.

Mineral filler for cats

As the main material, different minerals are used. For example, on the shelves of the store you can find zeolite filler for cats, which are made from minerals of volcanic origin. It absorbs fluids and odor well, and does not need to be changed frequently. There are different sizes of mineral crumb, which, when interacting with the liquid, are caking, which facilitates the cleaning process. The ability to retain unpleasant odors depends on the frequency of cleaning. Filler for collection of urine in cats has the following characteristics:

  1. The main advantage is that it is ideal for accustoming the pet to the pot.
  2. The disadvantage is the increased formation of dust, so the premises will often have to be cleaned.
  3. The product can get stuck between the pads of the fingers, and they will be carried to other rooms.

Wood clumping filler for cats

This species is very popular. The principle of action is that when moisture gets on the particles they soak and stick together, forming a dense lump that can be easily removed using a scoop. Wooden filler for cats for the toilet consists of compressed sawdust, which form granules. They well retain an unpleasant odor. There are different sizes suitable for kittens and adult animals. Filler for sawdust for cats has a number of characteristics:

  1. The tree is an eco-friendly material that can not cause allergies. It produces a pleasant woody odor.
  2. Simplicity in cleaning and small expense, because you need to remove only a formed lump.
  3. You can not use a caking filler for the toilet for cats, if there are several pets in the house, since moisture will not have time to soak.
  4. Wood particles can stick to the paws and to the wool, so the pet will carry them around the house.
  5. Sawdust can be disposed of in drains in small portions.
  6. It has antiseptic properties and resists the reproduction of bacteria.

Bentonite filler for cats

Putting in the tray of your pet you can and special natural substance, clay, which has hygroscopicity and absorbs the smell well, and this is bentonite. If you ask the owners what is better to use a filler for the toilet, then many will offer a bentonite option. They release it in the form of grains, which are similar to gravel. Upon contact with the liquid, they become a dense mass. The main characteristics include:

  1. Many manufacturers produce clay filler for cats with flavors: sea breeze, lavender, strawberry and others.
  2. The price of this product is small, so it is affordable for many.
  3. Clay can cling to the paws and pet hair, so it can carry it outside the tray.
  4. Opposes the spread of microorganisms, bacteria and fungi.
  5. When emptying into the tray, clay can create dust.

Herbal Filler for Cats

In the countries of the former USSR, this option is not yet very common, therefore only one manufacturer is represented on the market - "FIX". Granules are created from ordinary grass, which is dried and pressed. When in contact with water, they will cling, which facilitates the cleaning process. The main characteristics include the following indicators:

  1. Such fillings for cats are hygienic and environmentally friendly. The product is hypoallergenic and can be washed off into the sewer.
  2. The composition does not include fragrances, chemical additives and other harmful substances.
  3. Unpleasant odor is absent, and all thanks to a good absorbency, so 1 kg of the agent can absorb up to 2 liters of liquid.
  4. Granules from the grass do not stick to the paws, because they are heavy, though not large.

Filler for cats - rating

There is a huge assortment of such facilities for the toilet, and each option has its customers. There are different ratings, but it should be borne in mind that all cats are individual and one selected product may be suitable, and the other is not. Filler for the cat tray should be bought, focusing on the existing pros and cons, and the characteristics of your pet. Below are the most popular manufacturers in the market of pet products.

Filler "Kuzya" for cats

The products of this manufacturer appeared on the market in 1999 and since then the technology has been constantly improved. "Kuzya" is popular among the owners of the four-witted throughout Russia. For those who think what to choose a filler for the cat of this manufacturer you need to know the presented options:

  1. Woody. The granules are made of natural wood, so they have a fresh scent of sawdust. Completely no dust.
  2. For kittens and short-haired breeds. The filler for the cat toilet is made of natural ingredients and is easy to use.
  3. For adult cats. The largest fraction, therefore granules made from natural ingredients, do not get stuck in the paws and wool.

Filler for cats "Barsik"

One of the most popular manufacturers, which produces a wide range of different compositions. There are variants of oporniform and bentonite clay, sawdust, compacted corn, minerals, flax fibers and other materials. Among the novelties, it is necessary to distinguish a composition made from seeds, so that it can be used in the future as a compost. The manufacturer offers compositions with flavors, double and 3D effect. The best filler for cats for the toilet "Barsik" you need to choose, based on your own preferences.

Filler for cats «Fresh Step»

A popular brand on the market represents three varieties: a clumping, silica gel and absorbent composition. All the advantages of these options, discussed above, are relevant for this manufacturer. The filler for Fresh Step cats is distinguished by the fact that it immediately refreshes the air after contact with the liquid. This is possible thanks to a special patented formula. It is important to mix the granules daily, so that the bottom does not form a liquid.

"Crystal cat" filler for cats

A unique product, represented in the market of pet products, which is silica gel. The composition of the filler for cats is silicon dioxide. Popularity is due to a number of advantages:

  1. Does not have its own flavor and dust.
  2. It is hypoallergenic for both animals and humans.
  3. It has an excellent adsorbent property, so the moisture absorption coefficient is more than 80%. It is worth noting that due to the porosity of the structure, the granules are not soaked and the surface remains dry.
  4. "Crystal cat" has the ability to absorb bacteria and molecules that cause the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Filler for cats «Ever Сlean»

The present composition has a caking property. He gives a chance to ensure the cleanliness of both the pet and the room in which the tray stands. The composition of the "Ever Slan": bentonite. If in doubt, what kind of filler for cats to choose, then you should know the advantages of "Ever Сlean", which correspond to the means of bentonite.

  1. Experiments have shown that 1 kg of the drug is able to absorb up to five liters of fluid.
  2. "Ever Сlean" can be used for kittens, as it is safe.
  3. Filler for toilet for cat has a deodorizing and antibacterial property. When moisture gets into it, a pleasant aroma begins to emerge. This became possible thanks to the use of special technology.

The company "Ever Сlean" offers a product line: