Chlamydia in cats - symptoms

Chlamydia is one of the infectious diseases that occurs quite often in cats. Its causative agent is bacteria of the genus Chlamydia.

Signs of chlamydia in cats

Chlamydia is the most common cause of conjunctivitis (both acute and chronic) in cats, the so-called chlamydia eye. For the beginning of the disease is characterized by puffiness of the conjunctiva, mucous discharge from the eyes. And, as a rule, first one eye is affected, and after some time another. Also, the primary symptoms of chlamydia in cats include photophobia, fever, the appearance of discharge from the nose, coughing , sneezing, it is possible to refuse eating, general weakness. In view of the fact that the symptoms of chlamydia are very similar to those of a normal respiratory disease, be sure to contact the veterinary clinic for an accurate diagnosis and the appropriate treatment. Confirmation of the disease for chlamydia in cats will be made on the basis of a laboratory study of blood analysis.

Chlamydia in the kitten

Kittens can become infected with chlamydial infection even in the womb or during childbirth, as the carrier of the infection can be not only a sick animal, but also a disease that has already passed (no immunity after the cure!). Moreover, the infection thus obtained often turns into atypical pneumonia, which leads to the death of newborn kittens.

But most often kittens are susceptible to kittens of a month and a half or slightly older. Chlamydia can trigger, for example, the stress of weaning kittens from the mother. As a rule, the disease manifests itself in the form of conjunctivitis or chlamydial respiratory infection.

For the prevention of this disease, a qualified medical examination of the pet should be carried out regularly, as well as the actual vaccination.