Constriction of cerebral vessels

The condition of a person, his working capacity, are related to the state of blood vessels that provide blood to the brain. The narrowing of the cerebral vessels leads to the fact that the supply of the brain regions with oxygen and nutrients is insufficient, and this, in turn, entails a lot of health problems.

Causes of narrowing of cerebral vessels

Experts sound alarm: the number of patients who have a narrowing of the vessels of the brain, every year increases. This is largely due to the fact that people have to pay for their own health for the benefits of civilization.

There are several reasons for the appearance of the disease:

  1. Atherosclerosis - the defeat of large vessels involved in the blood supply of the main parts of the brain, arises from the accumulation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. Predisposing moments are an overabundance in the diet of meat and fatty foods, excessive consumption of alcohol and smoking.
  2. Arterial hypertension is usually associated with age-related changes. Due to clogging and deformation of blood vessels, blood microcirculation decreases.
  3. Living in ecologically unfavorable terrain and work at harmful enterprises.
  4. A sedentary lifestyle, inadequate stay in the fresh air.
  5. Significant mental and psychological stress.
  6. Metabolic disorders, including those associated with diabetes mellitus.

Symptoms of constriction of cerebral vessels

Negative changes in the vessels usually occur within a few years before the disease becomes apparent. There are three stages of the disease:

  1. The first signs of constriction of the vessels of the brain resemble the symptoms of many diseases. First of all, there are violations in the functioning of the nervous system (irritability, fatigue, agitation or inhibition). The patient begins to torment migraines, he becomes distracted.
  2. Disturbances in the blood circulation of the vessels makes itself felt in the form of changes in motor functions (disruption of gait, fine motor skills, etc.). The patient complains of tinnitus, insomnia. There may be false urge to urinate. Sometimes fainting is possible.
  3. Serious disturbances in the work of the brain are noticeable. A person with difficulty moves, speech becomes indistinct and incoherent, vision falls.

A sharp narrowing of the vessels of the brain causes a stroke - a serious condition leading to disability and even death.

Treatment of narrowing of cerebral vessels

Chronic form of the disease requires a systemic intake of medications. When narrowing the vessels of the brain, the following medicines are prescribed:

In addition, for the purpose of therapy with narrowing of the vessels of the brain antioxidant preparations are prescribed:

An additional element of therapy is therapeutic gymnastics aimed at increasing the tone of the vessels, and, as a consequence, the blood flow in them. But the decision on the appropriateness of exercise LFK takes only a specialist, since in the presence of thrombi or an aneurysm, physical exercises are prohibited.

In severe cases, shunting is recommended when a stent serving as a framework for the vascular walls is placed in the vessel. Another effective method of surgical intervention is endarterectomy. It consists in the removal of atherosclerotic plaques.

Supportive measure in the treatment is the reception of funds on the basis of folk recipes. For the prevention and reduction of the manifestations of the disease are used:

Detection of the disease in the early stages and the implementation of therapy according to the recommendations of a specialist, if the patient conducts a healthy lifestyle, is a guarantee of full recovery. The consequences of untimely treatment of constriction of cerebral vessels are severe. It: