Maha Visalia Pagoda

Myanmar (Burma) is a state in the south-east of Asia, located in the western part of Indochina. Yangon is the former capital of the state - it is the most important educational, cultural and economic center of the country. On the territory of the city, opposite the Shwedagon Stupa (Shwedagon Pagoda), there is a new majestic pagoda of Maha Visaya, in English it is called Maha Wizaya Pagoda.

More about the pagoda

It was built in 1980 by order of General Ne Win, who ruled the country from 1962 to 1988. He took as a basis the example of ancient rulers: improving the karma of the ruling totalitarian government, at the expense of the foundation of the temple. The opening of the Maha Visayya Pagoda was timed to the memory of "the convening and unification of all Buddhist communities in Burma", which was ordered by the Myanmar Committee of Sangha Maha Nayak (a state body regulating Buddhist monks). Since this was just a formality, to please the authorities, the Maha Visaya pagoda is not very popular with Buddhists and pilgrims. Most often you can meet high-ranking officials and officials.

Maha Wizaya Pagoda was built on the donations of citizens of Myanmar . An exquisite spire, reminiscent of its shape of an umbrella, which crowns the dome of the stupa, was presented as a gift by the ruler of Ne Win. Therefore, the Maha Vizaya pagoda also has an unofficial name among the population of the city: the General Pagoda.

What to see?

The outer part of the temple looks like an elegant stupa, and the interior decoration impresses with its originality. Here, instead of the altars and golden cups customary for the Buddhist temple, an artificial garden was created. Above its design and decoration worked the best in their business modern Burmese craftsmen. Throughout the perimeter of the wall there are Buddhist temples, adorned with magical branchy trees, intertwined with green crones. The light blue domed ceiling, which is a symbolic firmament, is decorated with sacred animals, instead of heavenly bodies. They symbolize the signs of the zodiac, unknown to Europeans. The interior of the pagoda of Maha Visaya is decorated with frescoes, depicting scenes from the life of Gautama Buddha.

The main building of the temple is a huge stupa, which differs from traditional ones in that it is hollow inside. In its center is a rotunda - it is a round room with a crowned dome. Here, and stored an important relic of Buddhists - a statue of Buddha Shakyamuni. It was donated to the temple by the rulers of Nepal. The sculpture was surrounded on all sides by large bouquets of flowers, mostly fragrant lotuses, which are brought by believers.

Maha Wizaya Pagoda is located on a hill. The road to it goes along a small bridge, through a beautiful pond, in which there are large baleen soma and various turtles. Reptiles often get out on land on the wooden supports arranged for them. The sizes of the turtles are different: from very small (with a palm), to huge (meter in diameter). At night, under artificial illumination, their shells shine and are reflected in the water.

Entrance to the pagoda of Maha Visayya is guarded by two mythological lions. The area in front of it is quite wide, but not crowded. Monks wash it by hand, tile poured and cooled with water from a hose, and the bell is polished to a shine. On the south side of the gate is a small temple with a multi-storey roof, which is decorated with carved cornices.

How to get to the Maha Vizaya pagoda?

You can fly to Yangon by plane to one of the international airports in Myanmar ( Yangon International Airport ). The Maha Visalia pagoda can be reached by public transport , the stop is called Link Ln, direction - Shwedagon Pagoda South Gate Bus Stop.