Fish oil - composition

Fish oil - excellent in chemical composition and vitamins, useful, but not too pleasant to taste and smell the product. Enrich your body with this active substance in two ways: by including in the diet fresh fish fatty varieties or with the help of pharmaceutical products.

Composition and nutritional value of fish oil

A large percentage of fish oil is found in sturgeon, tuna, salmon, trout, mackerel, herring, sardines, mackerel and some other types of fish. Some predatory fish, for example sharks, are also rich in fish oil. However, eating their meat is dangerous - it contains many harmful components, for example, heavy metals, which accumulate as a result of eating a large number of small fish.

Fish oil by its composition is a cocktail of fatty acids: monounsaturated, saturated and polyunsaturated (omega 3 and 6). Of the vitamins in fish oil, the content of fat-soluble A and D is especially high.

Vitamin A is responsible for the preservation of vision, the work of the digestive and respiratory organs, the formation of tooth enamel. The lack of vitamin A leads to an increase in the occurrence of allergic reactions, nervous overexertion and deterioration of hair and nails.

Vitamin D is essential for metabolic processes involving calcium and phosphorus. From these elements depends the strength of bones and teeth, as well as the functionality of muscle tissue. With a lack of vitamin D, children can develop insomnia, nervousness and rickets. By the way, an interesting fact - for the first time vitamin D was obtained from fat tuna.

One of the most valuable components present in fish oil is the omega-3 fatty acids that fish receive when eating plankton and algae. The spectrum of exposure of omega-3 fatty acids to the body is very large, they are:

And this list of the benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids is far from complete. Another important property of them is their ability to help them lose weight. That's why people who include fatty fish in the diet rarely get better, despite the high nutritional value of fish oil. One gram of fat gives the body 9 kcal. Fatty varieties of fish contain from 10 to 35 grams of fat per 100 gram serving, which gives from 90 to 315 kcal.