Eggplants - benefits and contraindications

Eggplant - the fruit of the plant from the family of Solanaceae is known from ancient times in the countries of Asia, and in Europe it appeared in the Middle Ages, largely due to the Turkish invasion, and as a result took root in the countries of southern and central Europe. That is, for most Europeans - this is a relatively new product, and it is not used for food everywhere. For example, on the Don it is grown for sale, but they do not eat ...

Eggplants and vitamins

But it's vain! Eggplant has so many useful and excellent taste qualities. Just need to be able to cook it. For lovers of home eggplant caviar (bayad), no red caviar is needed, and grilled aubergines, abundantly poured with lemon juice - an indispensable snack at any Armenian wedding.

Let's take a look at what vitamins and nutrients the eggplant contains:

Its useful properties people have used since ancient times. Eating aubergine on a regular basis strengthens the heart muscle, prevents gout and tuberculosis, strengthens the bones. Its juice helps whiten teeth. Very useful eggplant, as a food for post-operative patients, helps to improve the tone of the body and improve metabolism.

Eggplant and Diet

Caloric content of aubergine is rather low - 23-25 ​​kcal, which makes it possible to consider it a very successful product for a diet. Here, the truth is good or, conversely, contraindications to eggplant depend on the very method of preparation. Your goal should be to fully use its dietary properties, while not spoiling the taste.

Very many make a common mistake, frying the eggplant in oil. Should not be doing that! The benefits of aubergines fried in oil are negligible, little is left of the original composition of the vegetable. As a result, the product will absorb the oil and lose its healing and dietary properties. It is much better to fry it on a grill or bake in the oven. The apartment is suitable and just a gas burner. After the softening of the fruit, remove from it with hands wrinkled bitter skin pour lemon or orange juice and an excellent dietary product is ready. Next, act according to your taste - you can add onions, garlic, parsley or other herbs.

The damage of eggplant

With regard to the harm of eggplant, it should be noted that it has oxalates in its composition - ethers and oxalic acid salts, which can cause the appearance of kidney stones in people prone to urolithiasis.

Avoid the consumption of aubergines also follows with a suspicion of cholelithiasis . People prone to allergic reactions should be cautious about eggplant.