Flat Indian bread Paratha - simplicity of cooking and serving

Paratha is a traditional flat Indian bread, which is served to various side dishes, meat and dairy dishes and even fruits. This bread can be classic neutral, and can have a filling. Most often it is made from potatoes, but cabbage, greens, cottage cheese, and peas can be used - in short, everything that is at your fingertips. Let's find out with you how to cook delicious and soft Paratha at home.

Classic Paratha Recipe



We carefully sift the flour and pour it into a deep bowl. Gradually pour in warm boiled water until the mass begins to thicken. As a result, the dough should turn out to be elastic and do not stick to your hands. We knead it well for about 10 minutes. Then lubricate the bowl with vegetable oil, wrap the dough in half and cover it with a clean, slightly damp towel. We remove the bowl in a warm place for 1 hour, after which again we mix it well.

Then roll the dough into a thin layer so that the flat cakes are the same symmetrical. Lubricate the top with melted butter, sprinkle lightly with sifted flour and fold a cake with an envelope about the size of a fist. After that, again carefully roll out the dough, then turn over and do the same on the other side.

Now put the pan on the stove, pour the oil and warm it up properly. Fry the cake for a few seconds, grease a small amount of melted butter and quickly, but with a sharp movement throws in order to turn Parattha. Repeat the whole sequence of actions for the other side. The dish will be ready when it gets a nice light brown color. We serve the bread hot with any fresh vegetables and various dishes.

Paraty's recipe with potato filling


For the test:

For filling:

For submission:


From the ingredients mentioned in the recipe, we knead a soft and elastic dough. Then roll it into a smooth ball, wrap it in a food film and leave it for about an hour at room temperature. We divide the dough into 6 identical parts, roll each into a long thin sausage, turn into a spiral, wrap it around your finger, and lay it side by side on the table, covered with a film for 30 minutes.

By this time we are preparing the filling for the time being: we clean the potatoes, boil them, knead them thoroughly until a puree state. Add the finely chopped onion, and fresh greens, salt and to taste. Then each spiral is cut in half and rolled into a circle. For 1 part we spread the mashed potatoes and cover with the second round of the dough. Gently press his hands, releasing all the air. Very carefully, without strong pressure, lightly roll the cake with a rolling pin and a special ribbed knife cut off the excess dough around the circle while pressing the edges.

Cast iron frying pan thoroughly hot, put a cake on it, grease it with vegetable oil and fry for 2 minutes, then turn it over with a quick movement and cook as much as it does. Do the same with the rest of the cakes. Before serving, cut Paratha with scissors on quarters and serve with yoghurt or sour cream.