Pumpkin mantras are quick and delicious - recipes

We all know and love such an Uzbek dish as manti. Traditionally, they are prepared with minced meat, namely lamb and onions. We suggest that you deviate from the routine and traditions by preparing quickly and deliciously, juicy pumpkin manti, the recipes of which are presented below. In addition, the pumpkin is very useful and full of many vitamins, which it retains even in winter.

Homemade Pumpkins with Pumpkin


For the test:

For filling:


If you do not know how to make manti with pumpkin, do not be upset, we'll cook together.

First of all, we prepare the dough: sifted flour, collect it with a slide, make a hole in it, pour warm water into it and add salt. We knead the dough for manty with pumpkin, which should turn out to be steep, but soft and elastic. Covering it with a wet cloth, we put it aside.

Pumpkin filling for manti, must contain a lot of onions, then it will be juicy. Onions, beef fat and pumpkin, cut into not very small cubes. Season all with salt and pepper, mix well.

The dough is once again kneaded and rolled into a sausage, which is cut into circles. Roll the dough out so that the inside of the dough is thicker, and the edges are thinner. In the middle we put a lot of stuffing and tear the edges in the form of an envelope, and then connect them again with each other - we get a mantle. We pour water into the steamer, put the mantles on a net, which we lubricate with oil, so that they do not stick to it. To eat this dish you need hot, so after 45 minutes, be ready for a meal.

Manty with pumpkin and minced meat


For the test:

For filling:


In a large deep cup, beat the egg with a fork with salt added and pour the sifted flour to it. Rastervev egg in flour, pour in here warm water and mix for dough mantle.

Pumpkin, butter and onion finely cut into cubes, add to them minced beef and mix everything. Solim, pepper the filling to taste and mix again.

Roll out a very thinly unleavened dough and cut into squares, somewhere 9 by 9 centimeters. Spread the cooked filling in the center of the dough pieces and form the mantle, which is convenient for you.

Preparing the steamer or mantyshnitsu, pouring water into it and greasing the lattice with vegetable oil. Lay the mantles on the grilles of the steamer and turn it on, setting the time for 50 minutes.

Cooked manti with pumpkin and minced meat, you can serve home sour cream.

Lazy Manty with Pumpkin

Such lazy mantas still bear the name - khanum.


For the test:

For filling:


With flour sifting, let's prepare the dough. Add the egg whipped with salt and a glass of hot water into it. We knead the dough for the mantles until it is elastic and stops sticking.

Now we will prepare the filling. To do this, finely chop the pumpkin, butter and onions. Add to them seasoning (hops-suneli), salt to your taste and mix well, so that everything is dissolved in the total mixture.

And now the most interesting and enjoyable, because you do not have to engage in a long and tedious mantel molding! We just take our dough and evenly roll it into a thin layer.

Spread on it a delicious filling of pumpkin, evenly distributing it throughout its area. From one edge of the dough, we take hold of its edges and begin to twist them together with the filling, in the form of a roll.

Grate mantyshnitsy or steamer watered with lean oil and spread on it in a semicircle, a large lazy mantle with pumpkin. Pouring water, turn on the steam cooker, as for ordinary mantles for 45-50 minutes.

We cut the prepared dish into portions, which can be tasted with parsley. In a separate bowl we serve sour cream.