Viennese Pie

Despite the fact that Viennese pies are very popular, few know how to make a Viennese pie correctly. In the preparation of this batch is not too complicated. Here is the simplest recipe for Viennese pie.

Viennese pie with cherries



Preheat the oven to a temperature of 180ยบ C. Let's smear the split shape with butter. If the cherry is fresh, let's free the fruits from the bones and lay them in a colander to rip off the juice. If the cherry is frozen, first defrost it in a colander. We'll shoot the eggs with sugar, and gradually add the softened butter and whisk again. The sifted flour is mixed with the baking powder and mixed with the previously whipped mixture. You can add a little cinnamon and vanillin to the dough or a bit of pink jam - for the smell and the appearance of refined tastes of the dough. We'll knead the dough and spread it evenly into the mold, and on top we'll lay out the cherry (not stingy). Put the shape with the pie in the oven and bake the cake until ready (about 30-40 minutes). Ready to check the pie, piercing a match. Ready Viennese cherry pie a little cool and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Viennese pie with apples

Ingredients (for preparation of dough):

For the filling it will take 4-5 apples of medium size (it is better to choose relatively dense, sweet-sour or sweet autumn varieties).


The dough is prepared according to the above recipe, and above, when we lay out apples for dough, we will pour this cake-cream with creamy-egg filling, for which we need a gram of 50 natural butter, 50 grams of sugar powder, 50 grams of cream + 1 chicken egg. You can add a little cocoa powder (then first mix the cocoa with the sugar powder, and then add the rest). Pre-heat the oven. We knead the dough. We will distribute the finished dough in the form, prepare the fill. Then we clean and quickly cut (so that we do not have time to darken) apples and gently lay them on the dough. We pour the apples creamy-egg mixture and put it to bake for 40 minutes.

Viennese pie with other fruits

You can bake wonderful Viennese pies with fresh plums, peaches or apricots. Can be used as a filling and various fruit jam pitted. A very delicious Viennese pie can be prepared with jam from white or pink cherry. The choice of nuts can also be very wide, but it is best to use walnuts, almond kernels or pistachios. Try not to use margarine for baking these wonderful pies - it is not useful and a real Viennese pie with margarine will not work - the dough will not have that taste, and it's difficult to talk about the benefits of such a dessert at all. To Viennese pies, of course, it is good to serve Viennese coffee and, perhaps, a glass of incomparable Austrian schnapps.