Flower festival in kindergarten

In order for the flower festival in the kindergarten to be bright and memorable, it must be prepared in advance. This celebration is held to give young children knowledge about flowers: how and where they grow, how they are looked after. Such an event develops children's respect for nature. The morning party should pass cheerfully and joyfully.

Conducting a holiday of flowers

In order to visually show the kids how the flowers grow, you can plant their seeds in the early spring. We need to put the pots on the windows and let the children take care of them, water them and watch them grow. And on the day of the children's festival of flowers, or on the eve, organize the planting of the grown seedlings in the flower garden with the older group.

Conducting a flower holiday is better to appoint for the warm season: May-July, depending on the terrain and climate. To design the room, you can hold a painting lesson in advance with the children, in which the children will depict their favorite flowers. These drawings adorn the walls of the group or make out an exhibition of them.

You can organize an exhibition of indoor plants with the help of parents, for example, "Flower Fantasy". The room where the festival of flowers will be held is decorated with various handicrafts that children can make of cloth, paper and any other materials. Everywhere arrange vases with fresh flowers.

Costumes for a holiday of flowers for children and adults - a separate topic. It can be beautiful butterflies, restless bees, or funny birds. You can make them for the guys themed masks: dahlias, chamomiles, bells and others. For each of the kids as a gift you need to come up with a medal.

In advance, make sure the script for the holiday "Day of Flowers". If the weather permits, the musical part of the celebration can be held on the street. This day should be short, but bright and memorable. Children quickly get tired, and fun can not work if you overload it with numbers.

Contests for the Flower Festival

Any matinee in the garden can not do without fun and fun contests. On the holiday of flowers in the kindergarten it is possible to ask the children riddles about flowering plants, and to those who guess, to give a small prize. Or, for example, play with the kids in "Find your clearing". To conduct it you need to put everyone in a circle. To the music the presenter must choose the most beautiful outfits and give small gifts.

For the contest "Collect flowers in a bouquet" you need to invite two teams of guys, each of which to give paper flowers of different colors. At the other end of the room, put two hoops on the floor. At the command of each of them in turn must reach the goal and put a flower. The winners are those who quickly collected the bouquet.