Flux on the gum

In medicine there is such a thing as periostitis - this is the official name of the disease, which is popularly called a flux. This is a purulent inflammation at the root of the tooth, which can not be left without attention due to possible serious consequences. Therefore, if you suspect a flux, then immediately consult your dentist. In the meantime, let's see what symptoms are accompanied by the disease, what causes it, and how to remove the flux.

Symptoms of flux on the gum

The main symptoms of the flux are:

  1. External manifestations. Reddening of the gums, the appearance of a purulent sac on it, swelling of the cheek.
  2. Internal manifestations. Pain in the area of ​​the tooth with pressure or a calm state, which can give to the neck, spread throughout the jaw and affect part of the head. Increased body temperature and general weakness.

Also important is the fact that when the bag is poured with pus, the condition may improve slightly, and the patient will find that he is recovering, but because the cause remains, a relapse will soon occur again.

Causes of flux on the gum

To know how to get rid of the flux, you need to understand the reasons. And the causes of flux are not so many:

  1. Inflammation of the gingival pocket.
  2. Long progressing caries, when the bacteria begin to attack the root of the tooth.
  3. Dental trauma, which causes inflammation of the bone or forms a hematoma.

Flux is the body's way of getting rid of bacteria, so treatment will be directed mainly to their destruction and removal of inflammation.

How to treat flux on the gum: we work in three directions

Treatment of the flux on the gum consists of several points: first the doctor will eliminate the bacteria directly at the site of their localization, then medication is added to the struggle for recovery, together with local disinfection - rinsing the mouth.

1. In the dentist's office. The doctor, under local anesthesia, sees the cleaning of the gums and bone tissue with the help of a gum incision, if the flux has been confirmed. Through the incision, pus comes out, and in case he did not completely get out, the doctor puts on a special rubber bandage that will not allow the gum to grow together. The lesion site is treated with antibacterial mixtures for disinfection. To get rid of the source of bacteria, the doctor can remove the tooth if it is in a neglected state, and if not, after the pus comes out, the doctor removes the drainage and sutures the gum.

2. With the help of medication. At this stage, the flux is treated with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and with strong edema with antihistamines.

Antibiotics should be prescribed by a doctor, since these are serious drugs and they should be used according to a certain scheme, which is selected individually: it can be digitar, ampiox, amoxiclav, lincomycin, etc.

As an anti-inflammatory drug prescribed medication containing ibuprofen or nimesudil: imet, nimesil.

Among antihistamines, the choice is based on the second-generation group: cetirizine, claritine, and others.

3. Local treatment: how to rinse the flux? At first, it is necessary to maintain the purity in the oral cavity, so that the bacteria again do not attack the vulnerable spot. To do this, rinse from the infusion of chamomile, sage, as well as hydrogen peroxide. The liquid should not be hot or cold - optimal warm temperature, which is comfortable for rinsing.

Can I cure the flux at home?

Most often, if the gum is formed on the gum, the person does not know what to do, and seeks ways to independently get rid of the problem without the intervention of a doctor. With flux, this is unacceptable behavior, as the house has neither the tools nor the conditions to provide the necessary assistance.

The only thing you can do is rinse your mouth with a decoction of St. John's wort and sage if there is time before going to the doctor.