White spots on the face

The appearance of any rashes and other defects on the face skin especially overshadows women, causing, at a minimum, psychological discomfort. This also applies to the appearance of white spots on the face. As a rule, they represent areas of the skin that lack the pigment of melanin, for which special skin cells - melanocytes - are responsible. Due to the destruction of melanocytes or the disruption of their functioning, the pigment is not produced, so in these areas the skin becomes white and does not tan.

Why do white spots appear on my face?

Here are the most common reasons for the appearance of white spots on the face.


White spots are sometimes formed on the skin after convergence of acne. Typically, such specks remain white for a short while, soon they darken.

Progressive macular hypomelanosis

Large white spots, prone to enlargement, with fuzzy edges that do not sunbathe, can be a manifestation of a pathology such as progressive macular hypomelanosis. This anomaly associated with a decrease in melanin, is similar to childhood white lichen and is not dangerous. It is believed that the development of hypomelanosis of this type is associated with the activity of certain bacteria that live on the skin and produce chemical substances that discolor it.

Neville Settona

If in the middle of the white spot that appears on the face there is a pigmentary nevus in the form of a towering brownish nodule, this formation is called Setton's nevus. In some cases, when it is formed, skin depigmentation may be preceded by mild redness. One of the main causative factors is an excessive dose of ultraviolet skin irradiation, sunburn. Setton's nevuses practically disappear in all cases on their own. However, it is worth considering that sometimes the appearance of such a nevus occurs before the development of vitiligo.


A fairly common cause of the appearance of round white spots of different sizes associated with a violation of skin pigmentation. It is still unknown why this pathology develops, and how to prevent it. It is believed that it can be associated with frequent stresses, intoxications with chemicals, chronic infections, etc. However, no subjective sensations of vitiligo cause, but is only a cosmetic defect. Individual spots can suddenly disappear spontaneously.

Idiopathic teardrop hypomelanosis

Small white spots on the face, appearing after sunburn, may be a consequence of idiopathic drop-shaped hypomelanosis. This pathology, associated with a decrease in the production of melanin, also occurs for unknown reasons. At the same time, the emerging white spots do not disappear and are practically not amenable to elimination.


This disease can be an explanation of the appearance of white scaly spots. The skin on the affected areas is thickened at the same time, covered with easily flaking scales. Psoriasis is a chronic, recurrent disease that is prone to progression, especially when untreated. The reasons for it are not known reliably.


Small white peeling spots are also a symptom of pityriasis. The appearance of such lichen is caused by a microscopic yeast-like fungus, which produces substances that prevent the formation of melanin in the skin. It is believed that the disease is associated with genetic factors, a decrease in immunity, exposure to a damp warm climate.

Skin cancer

A dangerous disease in which white spots appear is melanoma , and other types of skin cancer. The malignant nature of such formations can be spoken by such symptoms as itching, pain, rapid increase in size, the appearance of a pronounced blood sieve on the spot.

How to remove white spots on the face?

Since there are many reasons for the appearance of white spots on the face, there are also many ways to eliminate them. But any treatment should be carried out only after an accurate diagnosis, for which it is necessary to consult a dermatologist. Before a visit to a doctor, it is not recommended to use any folk remedies and cosmetic preparations from white spots on the face, and also to sunbathe.