Funny fortune-telling

Merry divination - an excellent option for girlish gatherings or for any home holiday. All options are fairly simple and many do not even require any preparation.

Funny fortune telling company

To home gatherings were interesting, you can invite guests to look into the future. There are a few simple and fun divination.

Predictions on the book. In principle, any book is suitable, but it is best to use fiction. Pick up a book, ask a question of interest and name the page number and lines. Given the choice made, the answer is recognized. You can ask, for example, about what will happen in the near future or how a certain person treats you.

Predictions on songs . This fun fortune-telling is suitable for New Year and for any other holiday, accompanied by music. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a collection of various songs, and the genre has no value. By the way, guessing is similar to the previous version. Ask a question of interest, close your eyes and at random click on the song in the player. You can also ask a question and wait for the next track, which will turn on by randomly selecting the player itself. The lyrics of the song will help to find the answer.

Predictions on notes . This is an excellent option for a fun Christmas fortune-telling. To conduct it, you must prepare in advance. Take the sheets of paper, cut them into strips and write a wish or a prediction for each one on each one. For example, "soon you will meet your destiny" or "in the near future you will be lucky ". In general, everything depends on imagination. Just keep in mind that all wishes should be positive and not depend on gender. All the notes roll up the tube and fold them into a beautiful pouch or casket. When the guests are ready, ask them to get their own prediction.