Jaw click on one side

From time to time you can click on one side of the jaw from everyone. From the outside, this problem looks quite amusing. But if you try to figure out why she can appear, the smile on her face will disappear. Especially in those who suffer from crunch with unenviable persistence.

Why does the jaw click on the right or left side?

The crunch arises in the joints located between the upper and lower jaw, providing their mobility. This element is in constant motion, and therefore occasionally arising clicking sounds in it can be attributed to physiology. It is quite another matter if the crunch almost never stops and, in addition, is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. In order not to face troubles, if the jaw on one side clicks and hurts, you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible.

Among the main reasons for the appearance of the crunch, I would like to highlight the following:

  1. Jumps sometimes on the background of an incorrect bite . The problem can develop from birth, but sometimes inexperienced dentists contribute to its appearance. There have been cases when the bite was broken as a result of negligent filling of the teeth or poor-quality prosthetics.
  2. In some patients, the jaw on the left side clicks due to jaw arthritis. When the disease is thinning the cartilaginous disc and loosening the fibers inside it. Performing their functions correctly with such changes the joint can not, and therefore there is a crunch.
  3. It's amazing, but starting to click the jaw on one side can and against a background of intense stress. All because emotional experiences sometimes lead to muscle spasms.
  4. It also happens that the crunch occurs as a result of injury or after trying to chew too much a piece of hard food.
  5. Long distances can lead to violations in the joint. According to statistics, most often the problem occurs among singers, actors, teachers.
  6. Treatment of clicking the jaw on the left side is required in cases of bruxism , a disease that causes people to grind their teeth very intensely at night.

What if the jaw clicks on one side?

By tradition, first of all you need to determine the cause of the appearance of the crunch. If the fault is due to an incorrect bite, you will temporarily have to vilify the lingual systems of braces or special kapy.

Operations are appointed infrequently. But in the most difficult situations, it will not be possible to do without surgical intervention.