Vomiting during pregnancy - all possible causes and safe ways of treatment

Among the early signs of conception, the most common is toxicosis. Almost 90% of expectant mothers experience severe nausea and vomiting during early gestation. In most cases, these symptoms are not dangerous and pass on their own for several weeks.

Vomiting during pregnancy - causes

It is not yet possible to establish the factors provoking the phenomenon described in the article. Presumably, vomiting in toxicosis of pregnant women is a specific reaction of the body to a number of changes that occur in it after conception. Nausea and evacuation of stomach contents are considered normal symptoms that do not require medical intervention.

Vomiting of pregnant women should differentiate from diseases of the digestive tract, which have similar signs. Sometimes considered clinical manifestations arise due to exacerbation of chronic pathologies:

Vomiting during pregnancy at an early age

After conception in the body, women begin to undergo immunological, hormonal and vascular changes. Experts suggest that because of them and there is vomiting during pregnancy. Another theory is a temporary failure in the functioning of the nervous system, which manifests itself in the form of nausea, excessive salivation, heartburn and other unpleasant symptoms. There is a possibility that vomiting in pregnant women in early terms is associated with the release of chorionic gonadotropin. Achievement of this hormone of maximum concentration coincides with the time of occurrence of toxicosis.

Vomiting during pregnancy in later periods

In most cases, the described problem disappears on its own by the 20th week of gestation . Seldom there is a constant vomiting at pregnancy, proceeding up to sorts. This situation is not regarded by doctors as a pathology, but requires a more attentive attitude of a woman to the work of her own gastrointestinal tract. Vomiting in the third trimester of pregnancy may indicate a relapse of chronic digestive disorders. If the time does not correct the diet, after the birth of the baby the course of such diseases will worsen.

Vomiting of bile during pregnancy

Toxicosis in a future mother occurs mainly in the mornings, immediately after awakening, when all the food is already digested. If there is nothing in the stomach, vomiting of bile during pregnancy in early terms is quite understandable and normal. Given the present nausea and poor appetite in women against the background of these unpleasant symptoms, the digestive system simply has nothing to evacuate. In rare cases, the secretion of bile signals of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but in such situations, there are other specific signs.

Vomiting with blood during pregnancy

If the evacuated masses have bright red or scarlet impurities, the cause may be a burst vessel in the esophagus. Vomiting with blood in toxicosis in pregnant women is a common and not too dangerous phenomenon, provided that veins of a biological fluid are observed infrequently. Worry is necessary when there is a lot of blood or it has acquired a brownish-brown tinge. Vomiting during pregnancy with described inclusions indicates a bleeding in the stomach. This is a sign of an eruptive ulcer, erosive gastritis or cirrhosis of the liver.

Diarrhea and vomiting in pregnancy

Diarrhea can occur during the 18-23 week of gestation due to the increase in the uterus and its pressure on the intestines. If vomiting and diarrhea in a pregnant woman are not accompanied by other negative symptoms (fever, pain, colic), they are considered normal phenomena. In other situations, you should consult a gastroenterologist. Diarrhea and nausea in combination with the accompanying pathological signs can talk about the following problems:

Severity of vomiting of pregnant women

There are three variants of the course of the described syndrome:

  1. Easy vomiting and nausea. Unpleasant sensations occur early in the morning or immediately after eating. Evacuation of the contents of the stomach occurs up to 5 times a day. The future mother's appetite and mood deteriorates, weight can fall by 2-3 kg.
  2. Severe vomiting during pregnancy. The average degree of pathology is characterized by the frequency of attacks up to 10-11 times a day, which occur in the morning and after each meal. The general condition of a woman worsens, blood pressure decreases, and the pulse rate increases.
  1. Indomitable vomiting of pregnant women. Heavy toxicosis is an extremely dangerous condition for both the future mother and the baby. Attacks occur more than 20 times a day, renal function is impaired, weight and blood pressure are rapidly declining. Some women experience increased body temperature and increased heart rate. The skin becomes flabby and dry due to dehydration, an unpleasant odor from the mouth is felt, inhibition of reactions is noted. Sometimes this state is an indication for the artificial interruption of gestation.

Vomiting during pregnancy - what to do?

The light and medium degree of the problem under consideration does not require special therapy and the use of medications. Treatment of vomiting of pregnant women in such cases involves general measures to alleviate the condition of a future mother. They include correction of diet and diet, stabilization of the emotional state of women and restoration of water-salt balance in the body.

Vomiting of pregnant women - clinical recommendations

The main principle of therapy described syndrome is the normalization of the functioning of the stomach and prevention of dehydration. If vomiting during pregnancy is mild or moderate, experts recommend the following:

  1. Immediately after awakening, something to eat and drink. Suitable biscuits or biscuits, 2-3 sips of boiled water. It is desirable to "have breakfast" right in the bed reclining. Get up better after 15-30 minutes.
  2. During the day, drink clean water between meals.
  3. There are small portions and often. You should not allow a feeling of hunger or overeating.
  4. Prefer healthy, liquid and warm food. The first dishes are easier to digest and less likely to provoke nausea. It is desirable to completely abandon the sharp, smoked and fatty foods.
  5. Between supper to drink sweet tea. Some women are helped to get rid of nausea by adding lemon, orange or mandarin to water.

When vomiting is severe during pregnancy, you should consult a doctor to develop an effective but safe treatment. The softest effect is pyridoxine or vitamin B6. Admission of only 10 mg (1 time per day) of this substance reduces the incidence and severity of nausea attacks by 70%. Its effectiveness is enhanced in combination with diclectin (doxylamine).

Tablets from vomiting to pregnant women

Special medicines may be prescribed only by a doctor, because taking the majority of medications during pregnancy is prohibited. Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy are stopped by such means:

Anti-histamines also have a positive effect. Additionally they relieve heartburn. If vomiting and dizziness during pregnancy do not occur against the background of the therapy, the doctor can recommend a specific treatment: