Breastfeeding after caesarean section

Such a process as breastfeeding, performed after cesarean section, has its own characteristics. So, the first thing that young moms face is the lack of milk secretion. This fact is cause for concern for almost every newly-mum. Let's take a closer look at this situation and try to figure out what to do in this case, and how to adjust lactation after cesarean section.

What are the features of the initiation of breastfeeding after a cesarean?

The first thing a woman needs to do is calm herself. After all, quite often it is on nervous soil that lactation decreases.

As you know, during the first 5-9 days after delivery, colostrum is secreted from the breast. This liquid has a yellowish tinge. Its volume is small, but thanks to nutrition, the baby is quite enough.

The main mistake that young mothers allow is neglected by the fact that after each feeding, it is necessary to express the colostrum, which will promote the inflow of breast milk. In this case, it does not matter what volume of colostrum is allocated during such manipulation, tk. its main task is to stimulate the onset of lactation after cesarean.

As a rule, the woman feels unwell the first day after the operation. Therefore, at this time, you can not express your chest. However, starting from the second day, this manipulation should be done every 2 hours, spending on each breast for at least 5 minutes.

How to improve breastfeeding after cesarean?

As already mentioned above, the main problem of lactation after cesarean is a small production of breast milk.

In order to remedy this situation, a woman should, first of all, drink more liquid, in which quality different teas for lactation can be used. At the same time, you must not forget to constantly express both breasts after each application of the baby. This will not only stimulate its large secretion, but will also help to avoid stagnant phenomena.

Do not forget about the features of nutrition during breastfeeding after cesarean. In the daily diet should include dairy products (skim curd, milk, kefir).

Also worth noting is the fact that after cesarean section antibiotics are often prescribed and the beginning of breastfeeding is postponed by the mother herself because of the fear of causing harm to the baby. However, there is no unequivocal opinion on this score. In some cases, doctors try to prescribe those drugs that do not have a negative effect on lactation. In each situation, this moment is discussed separately, and if necessary, my mother is warned about this.