Multiple pregnancy - signs

Pregnancy is more than one fetus called multiplane. The frequency of multiple pregnancies is about 1 to 80. The probability of getting pregnant with two or even three babies is higher in women whose genus was twins, full women who already have a child or women older than 35 years. Undoubtedly, the most reliable method of diagnosing multiple pregnancies is ultrasound. We will try to understand how to recognize a multiple pregnancy even before the ultrasound.

Multiple pregnancy - signs

The early signs of multiple pregnancies that appear long before ultrasound include:

When is it possible to determine a multiple pregnancy?

Reliable symptoms of multiple pregnancies can be seen at the end of the first trimester, they include:

Thus, the early signs of multiple pregnancies considered by us can not be considered a reliable confirmation. The only method when multiple pregnancy is visible is ultrasound, which is planned at 9-13 weeks.