Eating an 8-month-old baby on breastfeeding

The baby's menu is closer to the year than the mother's milk. The full nutrition of an 8-month-old baby on breastfeeding is a pledge of strong physical and mental health. Consider how to properly organize it.

Features of the baby's menu in 8 months

It is important that the products from which you prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner to your child, were as natural as possible. During this period, pediatricians recommend replacing 3 feedings with lactation, but if necessary, supplement the baby with breast milk. If any lure causes an allergy or rejection in the baby, it can be temporarily not given. In the morning and in the evening, the baby with pleasure enjoys mother's milk, but at the rest of the day the diet of his food in 8 months should include:

  1. Sour-milk products (cottage cheese and yogurt). They are indispensable for the replenishment of calcium stores in the body. Parents can buy special children's dairy products in the dairy kitchen, or prepare them themselves. The homemade recipe for making yogurt with optimal fat content of 2-3% consists in the following: in boiled milk having a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees, add the usual kefir and insist the drink in the thermos for about 12 hours. After that, the "children's" kefir is stored in the refrigerator.
  2. A fish. Its utility is explained by the presence of phosphorus, iodine and non-fatty acids in its composition. Therefore, the baby's nutrition for 8.5 months on the GW, it is not worth organizing this product without this. Since the baby has not yet got out all the teeth, fish (preferably sea, especially hake or cod) are cooked in the form of steam cutlets or boiled and grinded and grinded through a sieve, carefully selecting all the bones.
  3. Bread. He performs the role of a kind of teetotal, allowing the baby to train the gums, and contains a large number of useful trace elements.
  4. Meat. This is an important element of the baby's nutrition for 8 months on breastfeeding, as it is rich in potassium, phosphorus and iron. Hypoallergenic is considered rabbit meat and turkey, but in any case, start entering it into the menu you need from half a teaspoon. Chicken and veal should not be given, because they can cause at this age, digestive disorders and allergic reactions. Meat is well boiled, carefully remove all veins and films, and grind. It's very tasty to mix it with vegetables.

In the diet of an infant at 8 months also includes dairy-free cereals, fruit purees and juices, egg yolk (no more than half a day).