What to put in the country?

Finally, the dream came true and you became the owner of your own summer residence! But the first joy came to an end, and a logical question arose, and what can I put in the dacha? Let's try together to understand this difficult matter.

  1. To begin with, you need to decide whether the dacha will be a private household or, above all, a full-fledged place to rest. It is from this that will depend on how to plan the site: whether to leave a place for vegetable beds, or to take the entire territory under the flowers and break the lawn.
  2. But, whatever the answer to the first point, we will start the development of the site from the planting of shrubs. What bushes to plant in the country? There are practically no restrictions - we put everything to which the soul lies. The main thing is that shrubs are adapted for life in your region. For example, as a hedge on the perimeter of the site, you can plant raspberries, currants, barberry or honeysuckle. They will quickly grow and hide your possessions from overly curious eyes. Near the arbor or under the windows of the house you can drop lilac and jasmine, and they envelop the dacha with a train of dizzying aromas.
  3. Which trees to plant in the country, again, depends on the tastes of the owner and the climate of a particular area. But it is difficult to imagine a dacha without apple trees of several varieties, pear and plum trees, and, of course, cherries. Places for trees should be chosen well-lighted and withstand sufficient spacing between seedlings.
  4. If you do not plan to spend the whole summer in horticultural hassles, sift the space between bushes and trees with clover. Lawn of clover will give the site a beautiful well-groomed appearance, but it does not require as much trouble as grassy. And do not forget to take a couple of beds under the greens - dill, parsley, basil!