Astilba - planting and care in the open ground, the main types and characteristics of the flower

Astilba, planting and care in the open ground beyond which does not require much effort, has become popular among gardeners and florists due to the huge variety of varieties and species that allow to decorate any site. A perennial plant has a long flowering period, while it tolerates a low level of illumination and high soil moisture, that is, it can be grown on wetlands.

Astilba in the design

Landscape designers often use this plant in their designs, as the flower of Astilba can be reliably attributed to highly decorative crops. Annual planting and transplantation is not necessary for him, his root perfectly tolerates winter under snow. The green part grows every year anew. With astilba next to look great such plants:

In the spring period, until the leaves have been planted in Astilba, empty space can be temporarily filled with bulbous cultures - tulips, daffodils, scylls, etc. With the blossoming bushes of astilba, various ornamental shrubs harmonize well. Very successfully using astilba, you can decorate the alpine hill or add a mixboarder near the pond.

Astilba - species

As a result of selection of the main types of astilba, hundreds of hybrid varieties were obtained. The most popular hybrid species (groups) are:

  1. Anders hybrids - in this group there are about 40 varieties obtained as a result of crossing David's astilba (basic species) with others. This astilba includes varieties characterized by spreading, spherical and pyramidal form of the bush, which in height reaches 1 meter. The leaves are dark green, the inflorescence is white, pink, lilac and red. Anders' astilba blossoms last longer than all others - up to 30-40 days from July to August. The most popular varieties of this species:
  • Japanese hybrids - low grades (up to 80 cm), compact, with shiny ornamental leaves. Inflorescences paniculate, composed of white and pink flowers, which blossom before other varieties. Cold-resistant, perfectly take root in a new place, decorate the garden even after the flowering ceases. Common varieties of this group:
  • Chinese astilba - high plants (1-1,1 m), with large basal and smaller stalk openwork leaves. Inflorescences in the plant are dense, long (30-35 cm), small flowers, often lilac, sometimes pink and white. The most beautiful varieties of this kind of astilba:
  • Astilba simple-leaved. Low plants (20-50 cm) with drooping inflorescences, which make the bush very airy in appearance. Varieties of this species do not tolerate heat and drought. The best varieties:
  • Landing of Astilba in the open ground

    Two important aspects when growing an Astilba plant, planting it and keeping it in the open ground are the place and time. Their competent choice guarantees you the best results. The very process of planting and the preparatory measures that precede it are important. In addition, for different types of Astilba, the distance for planting and leaving slightly differs. Below a little more detail all in order.

    How to plant astilbu?

    For tall Astilbe, the planting scheme should provide for a distance between the bushes of about 50 cm. The low-grown varieties can be planted closer - at a distance of 30 cm from each other and other plants. Before a direct landing, it is necessary to prepare the ground - dig, remove garbage, the roots of weed plants and then feed the soil with peat, compost and manure in the amount of 1 bucket of mixture per square meter.

    Where to plant astilba?

    The best place for growing astilba in the garden is a penumbra, without a close groundwater table, but with a high moisture level, the soil must be saturated with humus. For example, it could be a site on the north side of the house, in the shade of trees and bushes. In such conditions, astilba, landing and care in the open ground, will give the most positive result. If there is no such site, you can land astilba in the sun, but in this case the inflorescence will be paler and the flowering will be less prolonged. When planting a plant in a sunny place, you need to pay special attention to moistening the soil.

    When to land an astylba?

    The time when the plant astilba takes root in the new place in the best way - spring (late April-early May) and autumn (September). Preferably do this in the spring. Having planted Astilba in March-April by dividing the bush, you will see the first flowering by the end of this summer. If you plant it in the fall, calculate that to lower the temperature below + 5 ° C there were another 2-3 weeks.

    Astilba - cultivation

    Grow this plant is not difficult. Astilba at the cottage is growing and blooming for several years without transplantation. To make it blossom long and colorful, it needs to create the necessary conditions - to maintain a high soil moisture, without which the leaves fade, and the inflorescence grow shallow, and also periodically make top dressing. Before winter, the dried stems must be removed with a pruner and cover the flower bed with lapnika. For Astilba, not so much winter frosts as spring temperature differences are terrible.

    Astilba - care

    So, the main aspects of successful care for outdoor astilba are:

    1. Watering. It should be carried out as often as possible. The plant likes water very much. Even a short period of drought can adversely affect the decorativeness of the flower.
    2. Feeding. They need to be produced annually - they will help to preserve the beauty of Astilba.
    3. Transplantation after 5 years of growth in one place. In this case it is possible to transplant not the whole bush, but its part. Freed after the division of space must be filled with fresh earth.
    4. Pruning of stems after flowering and stems at the end of the season. In addition, before winter it is useful to trim the roots of the plant. The fact is that they grow up, and their tops can freeze during frosts.
    5. Prevention of development of radical decay. To do this, you need to spray the bushes in May with a drug called "Hom" .

    Astil'ba top dressing

    In addition to fertilizing the holes for planting astilba, the plant needs to be fed regularly with complex fertilizers and it is desirable to do this every spring. What to feed astilba in the spring: it is best to introduce nitrogen fertilizers under the bushes during this period, which will contribute to a new growth of foliage after hibernation. When the astilba blossoms, it can be fed with phosphorus fertilizers, and by the end of the summer - potash fertilizers. This will increase the time and fluffiness of flowering.

    Astil'ba transplantation

    Astilba grows well in one place for 5 years. After this period you will notice that the flowering has become less lush. This indicates that it is time to transplant the plant to a new location for its renewal. When transplanting astilba: it can be done throughout the warm season, even when the plant has buds or it blooms. It is just necessary to take as much as possible a large basal clod of earth and to moisturize the bush well at the end of the procedure.

    Astilba - reproduction

    For the reproduction of hybrid varieties of astilba, it is not accepted to use the seed method, as this does not give any guarantees for the preservation of varietal characters. Perennial astilba reproduces in the following main ways:

    1. Division of the bush is the most reliable and tested option, when planting and nursing in the open ground for the reproduction of the plant is without covering and arrangement of the greenhouse. To do this, you need to completely dig out the mother plant, trying not to damage the rhizome, divide it into parts with 2-3 kidneys on each. The resulting sections must necessarily be sprinkled with pounded coal. In pre-prepared wells or in a furrow, decompose the resulting planting material, pretreating it with a stimulator of growth and root formation.
    2. Kidney division. Fast and good way of reproduction of astilba. To do this, in spring, with the beginning of vegetation, you need to separate the buds of renewal with a sharp knife and plant the cuttings in a greenhouse with moist soil (a mixture of coarse sand and gravel). Slices need to be treated with ash. With this method, plant survival rate is high, but only a full plant you will receive only after a year.