Raspberry - planting and care in the open ground

Favorite by many raspberries - one of the most popular garden berries. In addition to excellent taste qualities, its medicinal properties are also known: raspberry jelly helps with colds, and delicious and fragrant tea is prepared from leaves.

If you want to plant raspberries in the open ground, then first study what are the features of planting and caring for this plant.

Planting raspberries

Raspberries are usually planted in late September or early October. If desired, this can be done in the early spring, only the earth is wiped out. Raspberry grows well along the fence of the site or the wall of the house, because in winter it needs snow "protection".

To do this is best done with a tape or trench method: each plant bush is equally provided with nutrients.

Prepare the trenches in advance: free the soil from the weeds, mark the plot with pegs and dig holes (depth 40-45 cm and width 50-60 cm). The length of the trench is arbitrary - it is usually equal to the planned length of the raspberry, and the number of such trenches coincides with the number of rows of raspberries. Then fill the pit with a nutrient mixture from the manure, compost and mineral fertilizers. The upper fertile soil layer can be mixed with wood ash, but it is better to refuse nitrogen fertilizers.

Saplings should be instilled vertically, for 2-3 cm deepening them into the ground. Try not to damage the root neck of the plant with the kidneys!

After planting, pour the earth (1 bucket of water per plant bush), and then compost.

When planting raspberries in a good fertile soil and care for it will be easier, so try to choose a place of sunny and moist, with a neutral reaction of the soil.

Features of care for garden raspberries

Care of the plant is as follows: