How to cook homemade ravioli?

Any hostess, having time, tries to pamper her family with home-made dumplings. If you do not already have your ideal recipe for this unmatched food, use our detailed recommendations described below.

How to cook dough for home-made dumplings?

To make pelmeni perfect, special attention should be given to preparing a successful dough. Many housewives believe that the guaranteed success in making this dish - in the addition of mineral water in the basis.



Be sure to sift the flour and make from it a hill with a depression in the center, into which one egg is hammered. In the milk, dissolve one pinch of salt, mix it with mineral water and pour in small portions to the egg-flour mix and knead. Achieve a uniform, rather dense, non-sticky texture, then add butter and mix well.

Now cover the flour bowl with food film and let it ripen and stand for forty minutes. The main advantage of this test in its compliance with the cutting, as well as in the amazing taste qualities of finished products.

While the dough is on the proofing, one can safely be taken to the preparation of filling. In our recipe, the filling will consist of two kinds of meat, onions and crushed ice.

How to cook a delicious minced meat for dumplings at home?



The ideal juicy stuffing should consist not only of meat with fat, many mix it with ice, which melts during cooking and makes the meat insanely delicious and juicy.

Mix both minced meat with chopped onion, salt and pepper. Add ice, mix well. Now it is necessary to select a portion of the filling for modeling one portion, and the remaining meat is found in the freezer, so that the ice does not melt.

How to cook homemade dumplings with your own hands?

And now, when all the main components of future pel'menis are ready, we can safely proceed with their formation. Here you can use a special device - pelmennitsey. And you can build products with your own hands, involving all the domestic people in the process. Thinly roll out the dough, cut out neat circles in a pile. In the middle of each piece, place a little stuffing. Fasten the edges and corners together.

Cook ready dumplings you need in well-salted water for ten minutes, after it emerges.