Bouquet of chocolates with own hands - master class

Probably everyone paid attention and more than once saw bouquets of sweets and corrugated paper.

And many of us had a desire to make them! So, I want to show you a master class how to pick a bunch of chocolates. It's easier to take ready-made sweets for these purposes. sold in stores. However, candies made with their own hands , too, will do, it is important only that they fit in the form.

Bouquet of chocolates with own hands - master class for beginners

We need:


  1. We start with the base foam, I take a building foam plastic, 2 cm thick. I cut out any shape from it, in this case it's an oval. We glue the edges with a wide satin ribbon, we cover the foam plastic.
  2. The paper needs to be cut into strips 4 cm wide.
  3. Now these strips are cut to a length of 15 cm.
  4. In order to make a petal of crocus, you need to take a strip and twist it. Like this,
  5. and then bend it in half.

  6. We get these kind of petals. We take candy, toothpicks, teip tape and start making flowers.
  7. We take a toothpick and poke a shallow candy. Someone preliminarily wraps it in a transparent film, I do not do it, these candies are all the same - they are not stored for long.
  8. Each crocus has 3 petals. We take and apply first one, then the next, and so all three. Fix these petals with teip tape, twisting it around the toothpick. The very end of the toothpick, leave free, so that it can easily be poked into the foam. At us it turns out here such florets.
  9. We take our flowers and begin to collect the bouquet. To do this, we pierce them into the foam plastic, in the position that is most attractive to us. We take the sisal, we begin to close the gaps, we make grass.
  10. All unnecessary and protruding grass blades we clean, cut. With our sisal cloth we will decorate the bottom. Cut out the square of the right size, and with the help of needles or glue with a gun attached to the foam.
  11. I use short needles with beads at the ends, they are very convenient to remove when unpacking, so as not to burst with all my strength packaging.
  12. Our additive greens will be inserted between the crocuses, you can also insert satin ribbons, anything else that is at hand! That's what we get.

For beginners, crocuses are the easiest option, since roses are made much more difficult.

Here we have a bouquet of chocolates and corrugated paper. I wish everyone creative success and inspiration!