Sports diet

A sports diet, a diet for fitness classes or a diet for a gym, it does not matter which diet you need. The main rule of any of the diets is a balanced full-fledged diet. Proper nutrition in combination with physical training will certainly give a positive result. Diet and sports are inseparable concepts. No matter how actively you are not involved in sports, you need to eat right and fully. Regardless of what result you want to achieve with a sports diet, there are universal rules that should be followed.

A sports diet for men allows consumption of 1600 to 1700 calories per day. While the sports diet for women allows a lower number of calories (1400-1500 calories per day), as the female body is subjected to less stress. Calorie content tables can be found on our website. In this article, we simply draw your attention to the key points of the sports diet.

Basic dietary rules during a sports diet

Every morning it is necessary to conduct strength training. Training with light weight will help to speed up the metabolism and give tone to the whole body. Before training, you can not eat anything, since morning exercise on an empty stomach will help burn more calories than the evening.

Do not be too restrictive in eating food, as with certain types of strict diets. Since the excess pounds discarded in this way will return back within the next few months. It is necessary to gradually switch to proper nutrition, and let the body get used to new changes. For example, a fitness diet offers consumption of no more than 1400 kcal per day.

Try to drink plenty of fluids. Water plays an important role in the process of fat burning and protein synthesis of muscle tissues. A day should drink up to 3 liters of fluid. Water should not be carbonated, preferably rich in oxygen, because during intense training in the body, a need for a life-giving gas is produced. Such water relieves pain and fatigue, normalizes the pressure.

During the diet, you need to count calories. You will need to learn how to count how many calories you consume and how much you spend. To do this, you can use a simple formula: the weight in kilograms must be multiplied by the number 30. You will get your metabolism level at rest (UMSP), which is measured in calories (kcal). To the number that you got, add the number of calories burned during the workout. Then take the number obtained from the number of calories eaten per day. If you get a positive number, then there is a set of mass, if the number is negative - you lose weight. If your result does not suit you, then it is necessary, or change the number of calories consumed, or the intensity of training.

If you suddenly want to eat something fat or sweet during the diet, then allow it to yourself, but in limited numbers and extremely rare. Still, it is better to allow yourself to neglect the diet a little, than to give it up altogether.

The basis of sports nutrition should be food of plant and animal origin.

It is not recommended to eat before exercise, because the products can be poorly digested. Immediately after training, too, you can not eat. It is necessary to eat two hours before training, preferably abundantly and two after it, so that the body can make up for the costs.

We wish you success in sport and in weight loss!