Hikikomori - who are they and how to stop being hickey?

Hikikomori - who are they? Losers, social outcasts or thin vulnerable people, for whom many social dogmas do not represent any value? Hikka - abbreviated affectionate name has become the household name of all young recluses.

Hikikomori - who is this?

Hikikomori is a Japanese term that describes young people in Japan who have gone into social isolation and have chosen voluntary imprisonment. They refuse to leave their parents' house. The phenomenon of amaé - the unconditional maternal love for children promotes a deeper isolation: it is easier for a mother to accept her child as he is and to feed him, at any age, rather than being dragged out of the room and sent back to an independent life. Hikikomori is a subculture that has captured many developed countries.

Symptoms of hikikomori

What does hikka mean and how can you suspect a person who gradually goes into self-isolation? Sometimes it happens gradually, but more often all of a sudden. How do the hikikomori, the characteristic symptoms of seclusion:

How to become a hikikomori?

How to become a hickey in modern society, rather it is not the desire to become one, but a confluence of life circumstances and problems that have piled on a person. The probability of becoming hikikomori is higher among those who:

How to stop being hikikomori?

How to stop being hickey, if there is strength and need to return to the bosom of society? Not all young people who have chosen the path of hikikomori feel satisfaction from the closed way of life, but heightened emotional sensitivity and vulnerability or bright individuality that has not found application in society induces a person to self-isolation. For those who are tired of being an outcast, simple advice can help:

How to treat hikikomori?

Disease hikikomori characteristic of Asian countries with dense population. How to help hikikomori again to socialize is a difficult question, because every hikka is an individualist and in each specific case it is important to understand what was the reason for seclusion. Experts believe that in most cases at the initial stage it is necessary to forcefully pull a person out of isolation. The longer a teenager sits in a room, the more difficult it is to bring him back to the socialstream. A small percentage of hickey decides to return to society again. Rehabilitation of hikikomori is easier if:

Work for hikikomori

The life of hikikomori is a complete self-isolation from society, when all social contacts are cut off or supported in social networks. One important aspect of successful socialization is work, but hikikomori rejects any work activity and does not see any sense in it. All values ​​important to the average person, for hickey are not interesting. In Japan, 10% of the able-bodied population is at home from adolescence and does not attempt to find work, being dependent on parents. Often hikikomori become and because of unsuccessful attempts to find work.

Books about hikikomori

The syndrome of hikikomori is adopted by writers. Literature on this topic is not so much, but the authors who wrote about such people talently describe the depth of the state, thoughts and life of the heroes. Books about individuals who have accepted voluntary seclusion:

  1. "I eat silence with spoons." Finkel Michael . The book is about a real hermit Christopher Nite, who escaped 27 years ago in the forests in the north of Maine. In 2013, Christopher was caught, when he stole food from the camp, after learning about the detention, hundreds of people: journalists and pilgrims arrived to talk with Christopher, ask him exciting questions: did he find happiness and calmness alone, how did he survive.
  2. "Parasites" by Ryu Murakami . Recluse Uihara receives from his mother as a gift computer and in the network gets acquainted with the group "Inter-Bio", whose members convince the hero that he is entitled to kill people. A gloomy work about the search for the hero of the meaning of life against the background of eerie ritual murders and hacking breaks.
  3. "Hikikomori" Kuvin Kun . The book-analysis of the psychology of adolescents is hikikomori, which forces them to strive for seclusion. A certain event that happened in the life of an ordinary young man, Till, changes his consciousness, he turns away from the family, locks himself in the room and his whole life is communication through the Internet.

Hikikomori movies

Who is hikikomori, the reasons for leaving isolation and what happens to such a person can be seen in the following films:

  1. The Circle Circle . An attractive young woman Abigail has lived alone for almost twenty years without leaving her apartment in Manhattan. She only communicates with two people: the concierge of the house and the old friend of the family, Dr. Raymond. But the time has come when Abigail faces his fears face to face because of the events in the house opposite.
  2. "Who are you? / Krai Nai Hong » . Nida, the seller of DVDs, quarreled with her son Ton, who then locked himself in the room for 5 years and communicates with the outside world through notes, meanwhile in the quarter terrible events begin to occur. People start to worry: who is locked behind the door, a teenage hikka is a social phobic or a monster?
  3. «Thomas in love with amoureux» . The hero of the film Tom suffers from agoraphobia and is completely absorbed in interacting with virtual girls in the computer. On the advice of her web-psychotherapist, she decides to get acquainted with a real girl in a chat room and falls in love, this event becomes exciting for him, because in order to find love ... one must leave the house.