How to pump up oblique abdominal muscles?

Of course, every girl dreams to look attractive and sexy. For this, various methods are used: clothing, cosmetics, personal care procedures. But it is impossible to look amazing if the figure is far from ideal. In order to make the body look attractive, it is necessary to exercise regularly. To make a beautiful press and pump up oblique abdominal muscles, it will take at least a month of constant loads. With regular training you can achieve good results.

How to swing the abdominal muscles?

If you set a goal to pump the press and oblique abdominal muscles, then it is important to be psychologically tuned from the very beginning. Remember also that if there are wrinkles in the abdominal area, then not only power loads, but also proper nutrition will be required. Only a combination of these two points will help create an ideal press.

To perform exercises you need a rigid foundation, so at home it's best to practice on the floor. It is recommended to conduct training two hours after eating and at least two hours before bedtime. So, you decided to rock the press, and special attention is going to be given to training the oblique muscles of the abdomen. Where to begin?

First, do a warm-up to warm up the muscles and adjust the body for the upcoming load. It can be squats, tilts, turns for ten minutes. Then you can proceed to the exercises on the press. It is important to monitor the correct breathing: the inspiration is carried out at the time of the minimum load, and at the maximum, it is worth exhaling. The most effective are not daily workouts, but in a day.

How to pump up oblique abdominal muscles?

We picked up exercises aimed at strengthening the oblique muscles of the abdomen.

  1. The starting position is lying on the floor, hands behind the head. The legs are bent at the knees. You need to raise your legs perpendicular to the floor. On inhalation, lower your legs to the right. Exhalation - return them back. Repeat the exercise, but on inspiration, lower your legs to the left. Do three approaches ten times.
  2. An effective exercise is lifting your legs. The starting position is lying on the floor, hands are stretched along the body. On inhalation, raise the straight legs to an angle of 30 degrees. Slowly lower your legs while exhaling, without touching the floor. Exercise should be done as many times as you can.
  3. "A bike". This exercise is aimed not only at the oblique abdominal muscles, but also on the straight, transverse and external. The starting position is lying on the back, the legs are bent at the knees. Hands behind the head, elbows diluted to the side. Straighten the right leg at an angle of 45 degrees. At the same time, tear off the shoulder blades, neck and head from the floor, stretching with the right shoulder to the left knee. Return to the starting position slowly. Repeat the exercise on the other leg. Do several approaches ten times.
  4. Raising the lap prone - the exercise is aimed at the oblique and rectus abdominal muscles. The starting position is lying on the back, the legs are bent at the knees, hands behind the head. Pull your legs to chest. On exhalation, straighten your legs and lower them to the floor, straining the abdominal muscles . Inhale, pull your knees to your chest.
  5. Skew twists. Starting position: lying on the right side. The right right arm is stretched out in front of you and lies on the floor with the palm down - it will be the supporting arm. Remove your left hand by the head. Lower right leg bend at the knee. The left leg should remain straight. Knees and hips should be connected together. Maximize your head and left shoulder, fixing this position for a few seconds. Very slowly return to the starting position. It is important that the right shoulder is pressed to the floor and not detached from it. Do three sets of twenty times, then turn to the other side, repeat the exercise on the other supporting arm.