Runes for attracting love

It so happened that one married woman has 2-3 lonely, and love and cares everyone. So what about stealing the scraps from someone else's table, or just sit back? But there is another option - to try to draw love into your life. There are many ways for this: affirmations , love spells, rituals, meditations and runic magic. Here's the last option, and we'll talk in more detail, because the use of runes to attract the love of a man is available to almost everyone. For them, you do not have to pull at the object of passion hair , spend hours sitting in a lotus position or hang red panties on a chandelier, it's enough just to draw a few ancient signs, and the "prince" will knock at your door.

Using the rune to attract the love of a man

The use of runes to attract love has nothing to do with a privation, since there is no binding to a particular person. In this case, you simply send a request for finding the ideal partner for you or for maintaining (reviving) the already existing relationship. But to form a request is very cautious, beware of ambiguities, if you want to get married, ask to find a partner for marriage, you need a sponsor - ask for it, but do not just say "I want love", such a request may not be fulfilled in the best way. For example, love will be non-reciprocal, or it will be a burning passion that does not last long, so you need to formulate exactly what you want to receive. And this must be done before the ritual, as when applying the runes, you do not need to read all the desired parameters, the image should already be formed in your subconscious. But do not overload it with unnecessary details, do not specify specific parameters of appearance or venue, otherwise it will slow down the process. The main thing is to understand that the runes will provide a meeting with who you need.

Use runes that attract love, you can only for yourself, if you put the signs on a photo of a person, it will already be a love spell that is carried out according to completely different rules. You can apply the runes to the body in the area of ​​Svadhistana (the second chakra is below the navel opposite the sacrum) with a red marker, and you can also make an amulet that you will always need to carry with you. You can use any natural material for making the amulet, you can even make embroidery on the scarf (it is better to take silk, linen or cotton), but do not use live tree branches, only dead wood. Although there is an opinion that it is necessary to apply the runes to pink quartz, since this stone is considered ideal for creating a family. But in fact the main effect will be on the runes, and the material of the amulet will play only an auxiliary role. When charging a talisman, 5 elements are used (fire, air, earth, water, spirit) and visas. That is, the amulet needs to be held three times over the burning candle, then over its smoke, then it is necessary to sprinkle water, sprinkle with earth and blow it. Visa is a slander in which you turn to the Scandinavian gods, you have to make it yourself, the verse form is not necessary, the main thing is that the words go "from the heart".


Oh, beautiful Freya! Goddess of love and war!

By your will, cherish the tender feeling of love.

Humbly pray, keep a loved one next to me.

Runes that attract love

There are many different rune formulas that can attract the magic of love into your life, but they all have different effects. Runic ligature is made from the bottom up, so that its development is not impeded.

  1. The rune of love and love affairs. This symbol will help to maintain a relationship or win a person. Consists of Runes Mannaz (acts on a person, attracts attention), Gebo (helps to choose a partner for marriage), Uruz (for conquest or preservation of love), Feu (for physical affinity.
  2. Runes are the "flame of love." The formula is suitable for stirring up passion. Includes the runes of Gebo (partner for marriage), Kano (passion) and Wuno (mutual feelings). Appeal to Freyja.
  3. To find true love use the formula: Kano (passion), Gebo (marriage), Laguz (accident management, female intuition). Vis is drafted to Frigga.
  4. For the return of love, the following runes are suitable: Eyvaz, Uruz, Kano, Gebo, Turisaz. Eyvaz and Uruz give a powerful impetus to action, and Kano and Gebo awaken desire, Turisaz strengthens the action of all runes. Appeal to Frigga.
  5. To bring to life a great love (which you do not deserve, "prince on a white horse") the runes of Gebo, Laguz, Berkana, Vuño and Feu. Appeal to Freyja. This runescript can do what you want, but do not forget about the payment.

Runes enjoyed many peoples, and the Slavs are no exception. If we talk about the Slavic rune of love, then it is undoubtedly UD (fire, love, passion, symbolizes phallus, fertility), responsible for life in a broad sense and attraction. To attract love, you can combine with the Lelya rune (love and femininity, intuition), Bereguinea (destiny, force of the Earth), Krudoy (incarnation). You need to contact Makosha or Lada.