Garden jasmine

Garden jasmine, or chubushnik - is one of the most popular flowering perennial shrubs. He received his second name for making chibouks for smoking pipes from his strong wood in Russia. Blossoming beautiful white flowers jasmine creates the impression of snowfall in the garden. Often chubushnik called jasmine due to beautiful fragrant white flowers. However, this is not entirely true, since real jasmine is a plant from another family. Therefore, it is more correct to call a chubushnik a jasmine garden.

Breeders brought out more than 100 varieties of chubushnik - this beautiful deciduous shrub. Some sorts differ strong strong pleasant aroma, others not so fragrant, and there are grades and at all without a smell. Flowering garden jasmine falls on the gap between the end of flowering of early plants and the beginning of flowering of summer flowers. Flowers of garden jasmine are striking in a variety of forms: they come with wide or narrow petals, simple or terry. In addition to pure white coloring, jasmine with two-colored petals is found, and recently varieties are created that are variously colored.

Let's figure out what should be the breeding, planting and care of jasmine garden.

Planting jasmine garden

Although garden jasmine - the plant is quite shade-loving, but still it feels better on sunny places. It grows well on moistened fertile soils, but does not tolerate moisture stagnation. To avoid this, draining with rubble and sand is applied. During a prolonged drought, the leaves of the plant can lose the tugora, which is restored when the irrigation resumes.

When planting jasmine garden between plants should maintain a distance of 0,5 - 1,5 m. The hollow for Chubushnik should be 60 cm deep, and the root neck should be sprinkled with soil no more than 1-2 cm. Before planting in the pit should be poured 1 -2 buckets of water. Transplanted shrub usually quickly takes root in a new place.

Care for jasmine garden

The plant is very responsive to fertilizer: every year it is recommended to pour one bucket over a bucket of slurry. Fertilize Chubushnik mineral fertilizing or wood ash . During the summer season, it is necessary to loosen the ground two or three times while removing all the weeds, and then peel with peat or ordinary earth 3-4 cm thick.

It is very important to know how to properly trim pruning jasmine garden. With the help of shaping trimming, you can create a beautiful and symmetrical plant configuration. To rejuvenate the crown every 2-3 years, it is necessary to remove old shoots, leaving only those that are under 10 years old. With such pruning, the bush will bloom more abundantly. If the bushes are heavily thickened, sanitary trim should be done.

How to propagate garden jasmine?

Jasmine garden is multiplied in various ways: cuttings, bush division, layers and even seeds. Seeds are sown in autumn, spring and even in winter. When winter sowing, choose a windless weather with a temperature of at least -10 ° C. Seeds are sown directly in the snow to a depth of 30 cm in the previously prepared beds. Top covered with straw and large branches. In spring, shelter should be removed, and the emerged seedling pritenit.

For reproduction of jasmine cuttings planting material should be harvested in the autumn, storing the cuttings in the basement. In the spring they are planted obliquely into the soil. After the shoots begin to grow on the cuttings, it should be bored to increase the growth of the roots.

You can propagate jasmine and layers. For this, young shoots are removed early in the spring, they are spread out into grooves made in land, and sprinkled a little. After appearing on each layer of young shoots, they should be hilled to stimulate the growth of the root system. In autumn all the layers should be cut off from the main bush.

Diseases of jasmine garden

Chubushnik is prone to defeat aphids , thrips and shields . Fighting these pests is to spray jasmine bushes with garden insecticides.

Garden jasmine is perfectly combined with other flowering plants, so it is used in mixborders, rockeries and rock gardens, on lawns and in modular gardens.