Chia seeds - contraindications

Chia seeds are a relative novelty on the shelves of our specialized stores for vegetarians and adherents of a healthy lifestyle . However, for Latin American countries, for example, Mexico, this is quite a familiar product - satisfying and affordable. From this article you will learn whether chia seeds are useful or not.

Properties of chia seeds

Seeds of chia are the seeds of Spanish sage, which have a rather interesting composition. Among their advantages, you can call a large amount of fiber - it is missing in the diet of modern man, and additional sources will never interfere. Especially recommended from this point of view are chia seeds for those who suffer from constipation or eat few vegetables and fruits.

Another strength of this product is the abundance of vitamins: A, B1, B2, PP and K are present. There are also a lot of minerals - phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, magnesium, copper, selenium, manganese and some others. This allows you to take chia seeds as an additional source of nutrients.

Also in these seeds there are rare acids omega-3 and omega-6, which are usually recommended to be obtained from fatty fish or directly from fish oil. Thanks to them, the work of the whole cardiovascular system is improved, blood composition is improved and pressure is normalized.

Another property for which this product is valued is its ability to perfectly saturate. The fact is that chia seeds can absorb a lot of moisture and swell 12 times, so they effectively fill the stomach and create a feeling of satiety.

Harm and benefit of chia seeds

Let's consider, what influence give seeds chia at the regular use in the moderate quantity:

However, it should be noted that excessive consumption of seeds can harm the body because of their high caloric value. The damage and benefit of chia seeds stand side by side, and it is important to use them competently so as not to damage your health. Moreover, before using them, it is worthwhile to see a doctor, since these effects occur only if there are no underlying diseases.

Contraindications of chia seeds

Damage to chia seeds can cause damage to the body if they are used in spite of contraindications. Their list includes the following:

There are currently no studies on the effect of chia seeds on pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under the age of 7, so these categories of people are not recommended for using chia seeds.