Gastric bleeding - what is the danger of a dangerous condition?

The term "gastric bleeding" is commonly understood as the isolation of blood from vessels located in the gastrointestinal tract as a result of their damage. The phenomenon refers to the complications of diseases of this organ system. Let's consider it in more detail, describing the causes, manifestations, methods of therapy and the specifics of providing first medical care.

Gastric Bleeding - Causes

The volume of lost blood with this form of violation can reach 2-3 liters. Given this fact, the condition requires emergency care and hospitalization. To find out, you can identify the disease for a number of reasons. Always when examining a patient with ultrasound, doctors detect blood in the stomach, the causes of which are as follows:

  1. Diseases and lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. Blood can be released into the abdominal cavity with ulcer disease, tumors, hernias, hemorrhoids, and even in the presence of helminths.
  2. The presence of portal hypertension. This condition is observed with cirrhosis, hepatitis.
  3. Damage to blood vessels. Observed with varicose veins of the esophagus.
  4. Diseases of the blood - hemophilia, anemia aplastic, leukemia, thrombocytopenia.

Gastric bleeding - signs

Due to the fact that the condition requires immediate medical care, everyone should know the signs of the development of such a violation. Abundant blood loss is fraught with a fatal outcome. Given this fact, it is necessary to be able to quickly identify gastric bleeding, the symptoms of which are as follows:

A vivid sign of such a violation, as gastric bleeding, is the presence of blood in feces and vomiting. In vomit masses, it can be present both in unchanged form (if it is excreted from the vessels of the esophagus) and altered, - stomach ulcer. With such a disease, doctors use the term "coffee grounds vomiting". This shade of mass is acquired as a result of exposure to blood of hydrochloric acid, which is present in gastric juice, a bright red color indicates local bleeding.

If the volume of lost blood does not exceed 100 ml, then it will be in a stool in the stool. It occurs when the lower parts of the digestive tract, the stomach ulcer, are affected. The change in color indicates that bleeding was noted 4-10 hours ago. The chair acquires the form of tar, it becomes almost black. At small volumes of blood loss, color changes in fecal masses may not be noted. Given these facts, it is easy to make assumptions about the source of blood loss.

Emergency care for gastric bleeding

At the slightest suspicion of such a violation it is necessary to call an ambulance. The patient should be completely immobilized, delivered to a medical institution on stretchers. Self-cope with the violation will not succeed, but is able to stop gastric bleeding, emergency help, the algorithm of which is as follows:

  1. Lay on your back, with raised legs, to ensure peace.
  2. Do not give to drink and eat.
  3. Apply cold, dry ice to the abdomen. At the same time, it is necessary to keep it for 15-30 minutes making temporary breaks for 2-3 minutes.
  4. In the presence of medication, you can take 2 tablets Dicinone, before they are ground into powder.
  5. If you lose consciousness, follow the pulse, breathing.

What to do with gastric bleeding?

Fearing a visit to the clinic, patients with chronic gastrointestinal diseases think about how to stop gastric bleeding at home. It is necessary to say that it is problematic and difficult to do. Given this fact, if you suspect a bleeding, you need:

Gastric bleeding - treatment

When diagnosing, after detecting blood in the stomach, doctors take action to eliminate the source. First aid for gastric bleeding should be provided on site, even before hospitalization. In this case, therapy is carried out conservatively and surgically. The first has 3 directions:

To stop this violation, drugs are used, among which:

To improve microcirculation, to fill the volume of blood loss use:

Enter them drip, adding sodium chlorine and glucose. Strong gastric bleeding requires the introduction of plasma-substituting solutions, transfusion of donor blood of the same group and Rh factor. The volume is calculated based on the patient's body weight, - 40 ml per kg of body weight.

Perforated ulcers cause gastric bleeding and require surgical care. An emergency operation consists in suturing the perforated sections of the gastric walls. The early onset of surgery prompts a positive prognosis and further rapid rehabilitation. In this case, patients periodically undergo preventive examinations, hardware examinations to exclude relapse.

Nutrition with gastric bleeding

To eat, patients return after 2 days from the moment of discontinuation of blood allocation and only at the doctor's permission. All food must be liquid or semi-liquid. Begin with mashed soups, cereals, yogurt. Sour-milk products of gastric bleeding are especially useful. So in the first when it is allowed to understand the food, the patient is given 2-3 glasses of cream with milk. This product promotes the formation of a fibrin clot.

Diet with gastric bleeding

Food after gastric bleeding should have a large number of animal fats, which excludes the development of complications. With the same purpose, increase the content of foods containing vitamins C and P (vegetable and fruit juices, decoction from rose hips), vitamin K, sour cream, butter. These products help with gastric bleeding organ tissues, speeding up the regeneration process. The patient must fully comply with the recommendations and instructions of the attending physician.

Diet after gastric bleeding

Nutrition after gastric bleeding should be balanced. Doctors insist on the complete exclusion of spicy food, which is difficult to digest, increases intestinal peristalsis, increasing the load on the gastrointestinal tract. Preference should be given to meat soufflé, low-fat meat, sour-milk products. Each patient receives individual recommendations and appointments after discharge. Their observance is the key to a rapid recovery of the body.