Metronidazole - tablets

Metronidazole - tablets, which have antimicrobial and antiprotozoal effect. The effect of this remedy is based on the fact that the nitro group of the drug penetrates the respiratory chain of protozoa and anaerobes, as a result of which respiratory processes are disrupted in microorganisms and pathogenic cells die.

Indications for the use of Metronidazole tablets

Indications for the use of Metronidazole tablets are protozoinfections. With their help you can cure:

The use of Metronidazole tablets is indicated in infections that have been caused by anaerobic bacteria. It:

Reception of this drug is recommended for:

Metronidazole in tablets is also used in the following cases:

Metronidazole for thrush

Metronidazole is an antibacterial agent. But these tablets suppress the effect of some strains of fungi:

That's why Metronidazole tablets are often prescribed for thrush. But on the fungi of the family Candida (pathogens of the yeast infection) this drug can not have the proper effect, therefore it is used only with a mixed type of disease in women. Therapy should also include antibiotics, antifungal medicines and broad-spectrum drugs. In each case, the dosage is selected individually, since in complicated form of the milkwoman, Metronidazole should suppress various concomitant diseases and inflammatory processes.

Method of use of Metronidazole

Before taking Metronidazole tablets, you need to undergo laboratory tests and consult a doctor to make sure the diagnosis is accurate. This is necessary, since the dosage of this drug depends on the disease.

Metronidazole enhances the effect of indirect anticoagulants and causes intolerance to ethanol. It can not be used in treatment with disulfiram, as this can lead to the appearance of neurological symptoms. Because of the high risk of side effects, Metronidazole can be used in tablets only after the patient has been withdrawn from taking cimetidine, lithium preparations and agents that stimulate the enzymes of microsomal oxidation. If a patient often has dizziness, ataxia and worsening of the neurological status, treatment with this medication should be stopped.

Contraindications and side effects of Metronidazole

Do not use Metronidazole tablets with sensitivity to substances that make up the drug. Also, their reception is contraindicated when:

If you exceed the dosage of Metronidazole tablets, side effects may occur:

With prolonged admission, this drug can lead to a false positive test of Nelson and stain the urine in a dark color.