Kawasaki disease

Most often, Kawasaki's disease affects children. Moreover, children older than seven or eight years old ailment is "not interested". Despite this, from time to time the disease has to be diagnosed in adults. Where it comes from, experts can not reliably say to this day. It is known so far only that the people of Asia suffer much more often. And, nevertheless, knowing the main manifestations of the disease will not be superfluous.

Symptoms of Kawasaki's Disease - Can a face be peeling with an ailment?

This disease is systemic vasculitis, in which coronary arteries are affected. As practice has shown, because of the mucocutaneous lymphonodular syndrome Kawasaki people can develop diseases of the cardiovascular system. It leads to damage to the arteries, changes in the state of most blood vessels and certain tissues. That is, it turns out that to call up SK - so abbreviated specialists call Kawasaki syndrome - can be a problem in any part of the body, starting with the heart, ending with kidneys, pancreatic or respiratory ways.

Because of the decrease in the tone of the vessels, aneurysms may begin to form in them. The latter cause the disturbance of blood flow, which, in turn, contributes to the activation of blood clot formation.

Kawasaki's disease is not fatal. Moreover, in a few months it can pass by itself. And yet it is better to prevent a lot of negative consequences with its timely treatment. Recognize the ailment can, knowing its main symptoms.

The first and most important sign of the syndrome is fever. This unpleasant state lasts one to two weeks. There is a temperature increase:

Redness and rash in Kawasaki's disease in adults are similar to those in measles or scarlet fever in children. In rare cases, with an illness appear pustules or vesicles. There are often lesions in the face and torso. Sometimes can be found in the perineal region. In many patients with IC rash begins to peel, and very intensely. But it also happens that in a few days it safely disappears without any interference.

What is most unpleasant - as a rule, the patient appears most of all the above symptoms at the same time.

Treatment of Kawasaki Syndrome

It is important to understand that this disease can have extremely unpleasant consequences. In the list of complications of the disease:

But fortunately, avoiding them is not difficult. Although it is believed that the infection is provoked by the UK, antibiotic and antiviral agents are not used during treatment.

Best in the fight against incomplete syndrome of Kawasaki's disease in adults have proven themselves:

During the acute phase, aspirin should be drunk in fairly impressive doses - 30 to 100 mg per kilogram of body weight. When the disease begins to recede, the dosage is reduced. But you need to prepare yourself for drinking at least another couple of weeks, or even several months.

If symptomatic therapy is performed, disaggregants may be prescribed: