How often to water tomatoes?

Do you know how important it is to know how often it is necessary to water tomatoes so that they do not hurt, do not suffer from a lack of moisture? From the availability of this knowledge of the farmer directly depends on his future harvest! In this article the reader will be able to find exhaustive information on this issue in order to proceed to the garden season fully armed!

Frequent watering - good or bad?

First you need to know how often to water the seedlings of newly planted tomatoes . Experienced farmers advise during this period to water abundantly, but not often, otherwise it will necessarily adversely affect the development of plants. Particularly harmful is frequent watering for seedlings, at a time when young tomatoes are just beginning to take root in a new place. Particularly harmful, when often tomato planting in the greenhouse, because it significantly reduces the temperature of the soil at the roots of the plant, and even increases the risk of bacterial infections due to high humidity.

With excessive irrigation, the tomato is poorly shaped and the pollination process is much worse. Often, for the above reason, all the flowers can fall off the bush, and sometimes the growth and development of plants can stop altogether. Frequent watering of tomatoes is not appropriate for the reason that this plant has a very powerful root system that is able to perfectly absorb moisture and necessary nutrients from a depth of about one and a half meters. The best tomatoes react to watering every three to four days, while making sure that the soil has a loose enough structure to absorb a large amount of water.

Water properly

Now let's find out how many times, when and how it is best to water the tomatoes. The most effective and safe method of watering tomatoes is root irrigation or watering in a furrow dug along the roots of growing plants. It should be ensured that moisture as little as possible moistens the stems, and in no case fell on the fruit. If you neglect this recommendation, it is likely to lead to the appearance of phytophthora or fungal diseases.

If water gets to the leaves, it can lead to the appearance of sunburn on the leaves of tomatoes. Solar burns occur when large drops of water remain on the plant during irrigation, which can focus the sun's rays like a prism. By the way, for the same reason tomatoes can get sick with phytophthora, which penetrates into the plant from the very beginning in the place where the top layer of the skin is affected by a sunburn. If you water the plants neatly, under the base of the bush, then the plants will be tall and healthy, and the humidity of the air will always remain normal. And at the conclusion of this article, we will quote the promised advice, which will surely prove useful even to seasoned truck farmers.

  1. Always use water preheated to room temperature for watering.
  2. On especially hot days, watering should be postponed for the evening.
  3. So that the soil does not dry out after watering too quickly, experts recommend mulching plants.
  4. The yardstick of the irrigation norm is the soil itself, be guided by how intensively it absorbs moisture.
  5. Also, the tomatoes themselves can signal about the lack of moisture, do not wait until the leaves begin to fade, orientate by their color, as soon as they darken - it means time to give them watering.

We hope that those few minutes that you spent reading will help you grow a rich harvest of juicy, ripe and tasty tomatoes.