How to properly breastfeed?

The process of breastfeeding has a number of rules that must be followed with all severity. And at different stages of the growth of the baby they change. The rules of hygiene, which must be observed by any mother, are mandatory for compliance in all periods of infant feeding.

Before you breastfeed your baby, you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap and wash your nipple. For this, it is better to use cotton wool moistened with boiled water or a solution of 2% boric acid and water. To prepare a water-boric solution you will need one glass of boiled water and a teaspoon of 2% boric acid. Also, do not forget to wash your breasts with soap every morning.

How to properly breastfeed a newborn?

Before you breastfeed a newborn, you need to express about 2 teaspoons of breast milk, because it may contain microbes. Poses for breastfeeding a newborn baby - the first days of lying down, and then sitting.

How to breastfeed lying, so that it would be convenient for mother and baby? To do this, the mother should lie on her side, and put the baby in such a way that his mouth is directly opposite the chest. Further, holding the chest with your hand, you should put a baby nipple into your mouth. It is necessary to do this in such a way that he captures a part of the zone near the nipple. At the same time, it is also necessary to press the upper part of the chest slightly with your thumb to release the baby's spout and allow it to breathe freely during feeding.

Just a couple of days after the birth of the baby, you can feed the baby sitting. It is necessary to know some nuances of how to breastfeed sitting during this period. One hand can rest on the back of the chair, and the leg that corresponds to the breast used for feeding should be placed on a low bench.

How to breastfeed?

When giving advice on how best to breastfeed a child in the first year of his life, experts recommend adhering to a certain feeding regimen. In the first month of life, the baby should be fed seven times a day, with a night break should be six hours. At the age of one to five months, six-time feeding regimens should be used. And from the age of five months and up to a year to breastfeed five times a day, while making a night break.