10 signs that you urgently need sex

Many people do not know that sex is needed not only for pleasure, but also for getting rid of many problems. The first signs that you do not have enough sex - irritability and anger to the whole world. Each person is individual and the lack of sex is manifested in its own way, but there are 10 main features.

So, here they are:

  1. You have a bad mood, which turns into depression. To get rid of this is a great tool - sex. During sex, a person receives psychological satisfaction, as well as hormones of good mood - endorphins. Good sex affects the brain, as well as the general condition of the body. That is, with almost no effort, you will improve your mood.
  2. You constantly feel pain. First a head, then a stomach, a back and you really do not know what the reasons are, then maybe it's a lack of sex? It is proved that having sex reduces pain sensitivity. At the time of the peak of pleasure in the body, the hormone oxytocin is released, which in turn contributes to the appearance of endorphins. These hormones act like morphine and reduce pain. In addition, the female body produces estrogen, which can reduce pain. Proceeding from this, it can be concluded that sex is an excellent analgesic.
  3. For a long time you can not get rid of excess weight. During a good and active sex, you can lose calories, and, consequently, get rid of extra pounds. On average, the number of calories lost is equal to a 15-minute run, that is, for half an hour of carnal pleasures you will lose up to 200 calories. Only having sex is more pleasant than running.
  4. You have weak immunity . Sex is a great way to strengthen your immunity. In people who do not have sex, in the body is 30% less antibodies and, consequently, they get sick much more often.
  5. You do not really like your breast size. You probably will be surprised, but regular sex work promotes breast enlargement. In an excited woman, the blood flow to the breast increases and, consequently, the size can increase by 25%.
  6. You have problems with memory. Another incredible, but truthful information - having sex improves memory and increases IQ. And all thanks to the rapid blood circulation, which makes it possible to get the brain the necessary oxygen.
  7. You suffer from insomnia. During sex, a person increases the amount of the hormone oxytocin, which has a calming effect, which means that you will be sleeping sweetly and calmly.
  8. The skin became flabby and ugly. Sex - a great training for muscles, and for all groups. During the sexual act, the hormone testosterone is released in the body, which positively affects the musculoskeletal system. In addition, regular sex contributes to the formation of proper posture. If you do not want to exercise in the morning, then have sex, 20 minutes and the necessary effect is obtained.
  9. On the face began to appear signs of aging. Sex helps increase collagen, which helps to improve the condition of the skin, makes it smooth and supple. Another hormone - progesterone helps to get rid of acne. Regular sex and in 30 years you will look like a 25-year-old girl.
  10. You think that you do not look very good. You are jealous of beautiful and long-legged girls who look at you from every page of a glossy magazine, then it is urgent to engage in passionate sex. A beloved man can not only say, but also prove what a beautiful and desired woman you are.