Hortensia large-leaved - winter hardy varieties

Large-leaved hydrangea has many varieties, including winter-hardened, deduced specifically to allow residents of the cooler regions to grow this beautiful plant in their gardens.

This quality, like winter hardiness, makes the plant resistant to a complex of unfavorable factors of nature in the winter. And if in warm regions with the cultivation of large-leaf hydrangea problems do not arise in principle, then the cold winters of the middle belt and more northern latitudes add horticulture to horticulturists.

Frost resistant varieties of hydrangeas

The first frost-resistant large-leaf hydrangea was obtained quite by accident - as a result of a mutation of one variety during the cold winter in America in 1988. Thus, the first hydrangea appeared, capable of blossoming on new and last year's shoots, later called "Endless Summer".

In Russia, "Early Sensation" was one of the first varieties of large-leaf, winter-hardened hydrangea. It became even more winter-hardy than "Infinite Summer", perfectly tolerating cold snowless winters and pleasing with luxuriant flowering every summer.

Already on the basis of this variety, a whole series of Hydrangeas Forever & Ever was created. It includes such varieties as:

So, if you are interested in the question, what sorts of hydrangeas are the most frost-hardy, you need to choose the above list.

Similarly, the Endless Summer variety served as the basis for a series of such varieties:

With the advent of winter-resistant varieties of large-leaved hydrangea, the popularity of the plant in our latitudes has increased considerably. Now every gardener can decorate his garden with an amazing beauty plant with a wide range of colors and shades.

Care for large-leaved hydrangea

Care for hydrangeas during the summer season is reduced to regular watering in arid weather, fertilizing, shelter for the winter. By the way, shelter, even frost-resistant varieties, helps to preserve flower buds, which are usually laid on the tops of last year's shoots, and to improve flowering in the coming season.

As for the reproduction of large-leaf hydrangeas, it is usually used either by dropping shoots or by cuttings .