Green canned peas - good and bad

Canned green peas are used to make soups, snacks, garnish, and, of course, salads, for example, loved by many "Olivier" can not be imagined without canned peas. To taste this bean sign, perhaps, to every person, as far back as the 16th century people began to eat peas in their food, well, in the 19th century there was already a production for canning this product. People who often use this legume, are interested in whether the canned green peas are useful for health and whether it can harm the body.

Composition of green canned peas

Vitamins and trace elements in canned green peas are no less than in fresh peas, because modern production has "learned" almost completely to preserve all the useful substances available in the "original" form of the product. So, what is rich in canned peas:

Benefit and harm of canned green peas

The benefits of green peas were known even in ancient times, then people used it as a folk remedy that helps in the treatment of a variety of diseases. Today, science has proved that fresh and fresh, and canned green peas are useful:

  1. Normalizes metabolic processes.
  2. Beneficial effect on visual acuity. improves the "quality" of the retina and lens.
  3. Regulates all the recovery processes in the body.
  4. Improves kidney function, removes stones.
  5. Reduces cholesterol in the blood.
  6. Promotes the elimination of "stale" decay products from the body.
  7. Significantly reduces the likelihood of oncological diseases.
  8. Regulates the pressure.
  9. It improves digestion and normalizes the work of the digestive tract.
  10. It is an excellent diuretic, and, therefore, relieves swelling.
  11. Due to the presence of magnesium and potassium, peas significantly reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes, strengthens the vessels and makes them much more elastic.
  12. Positively affects the mobility of the joints.
  13. Helps to cope with avitaminosis, because peas have an impressive "set" of vitamins.
  14. Stimulates mental activity.
  15. It is an excellent antidepressant, it improves the functioning of the nervous system, soothes, relieves emotional tension, restores sleep, helps to cope with mood swings .
  16. Significantly slows the aging of the skin, makes it more elastic and less prone to surrounding "irritants".
  17. Is a good tool that helps with bleeding gums.
  18. Clears the liver of toxins, thereby quickly enough helps to cope with the symptoms of a hangover.

It should also be noted that the calorie content of such peas is very small and amounts to about 50-60 kcal per 100 g, so people who are in the process of losing weight, you can safely diversify your menu with this delicious and nutritious product.

However, despite the numerous benefits of canned green peas, this product can also hurt. Experts do not advise people to use peas to overcome digestive problems, especially if there is chronic flatulence. Excessive consumption of canned peas can lead to kidney problems. Of course, harm green peas, like any other product, can cause, if you use it spoiled.