Adygei salt is good and bad

There is an opinion that salt harms our body, but Adygei salt will force you to reconsider your views, because in ancient times people who regularly eat this salt were famous for their long-livers. This salt was invented in the Caucasus and is still being added to any dish, starting with a shish kebab and ending with a banal scrambled eggs. Preparation of Adygei salt can occur according to a variety of recipes. The technology involves mixing seasonings and spices, which fully reveal their useful qualities while adding salt to the dish. As part of the Adygei salt, there are such components as coriander, parsley, dill, paprika, savory, black pepper and others. Accordingly, the use of such a salt makes it possible to give the dish a unique taste and much less to use ordinary edible salt.

The main benefit of Adygei salt is the saturation of the dish with vitamins. One of the main components of salt is garlic, which, as is known, strengthens the immune system, has bactericidal properties. The aroma of garlic does not spread over the dish, as it is neutralized by the rest of the seasonings that make up the composition. The remaining components present in the Adygei salt also impart useful properties to the dish, giving an unforgettable aroma and taste. It is important to know that this seasoning can be purchased in supermarkets or cooked at home.

Garlic salt of Adyghe and its harm

Despite a lot of positive moments, seasoning Adygei salt can harm the body of a person who uses it, especially in excessive quantities. This can lead to edema, high blood pressure, and promote the development of cardiovascular diseases and kidney diseases. Also among the ingredients that make up the composition, there is a hot pepper, which can negatively affect the work of the digestive tract. That's why you should not use this product for people suffering from gastritis, pancreatitis , stomach ulcers.

Accordingly, studying the benefits and harm of Adyghean salt, it can be concluded that the seasoning has a positive effect on the body only if it is eaten in moderation. You will be able to achieve that you will start using less common salt at times, but Adygeya salt should not be taken into consideration.