What should a child be able to do in a year?

Many parents worry about whether the skills and abilities of their one-year-old child correspond to the general norms of development. Do not expect the child to comply with some strict "standards", because every kid has an individual pace of development, which depends on many internal and external factors.

Several basic skills on which one can judge the development of an one-year-old child

At this age, the kid already knows his name, and responds to his name when addressing him, he knows the word "impossible" and tries to fulfill simple requests of his parents. As a rule, a year the child is already firmly on his feet, and some already know how to walk well. In the house, everything becomes accessible to him - he climbs up on the sofa, climbs under a table or chair, examines cabinets and even pounding pots when he gets to the kitchen. During this period, you can not let the baby out of sight. His interest can lead to some unforeseen and dangerous consequences. Contact with sharp, hot or small objects is fraught with injuries, burns, foreign bodies entering the ear, nose, or airways.

Development of communication skills in children

By the first year of life the child has already mastered a lot. He tries to repeat the sounds he heard and simple words from several syllables. More often than not, the crumb consciously utters the words "Mom and Dad". He carefully studies his toys, surrounding objects, loves to pound and thunder. Baby learns some animals, knows their name and can show in pictures. In a year, the child develops intensively his emotional skills - he understands the language of experiences and feelings. At this age, the baby begins to show interest in communicating with other children. To develop communication skills, teach the child to sympathize with the offended, and also participate in collective games. To help the child in verbal development - read to him books, regardless of his age and, even if it seems to you that he does not listen and does not understand. Initially, a passive word stock is formed in the child, which he can not use while communicating. But the time will come when this stock will become active, and you will be surprised how much your kid knows.

Upbringing of hygienic skills and self-care skills in children

Due to his desire to be like adults and do everything himself, the child in the second year of life begins to master the skills of self-service. To help this kid show and tell me how to properly do this or that action, encourage and help him if necessary. Bring the child's love for order - collect toys together, lay out clothes, clean in the apartment. Accustom the baby to daily hygiene. In the morning and in the evening, brush your teeth together, and eventually, he will want to do this procedure yourself. Before going to bed, a mandatory ritual is bathing. Bring the child a sense of neatness and neatness. If its appearance is unsatisfactory, bring it to the mirror - let him see what needs to be corrected.

Among the skills of self-service, it should be noted that the baby can already confidently take a cup in his hands and drink a little from it. Also, he holds a spoon in his hand, picks up some food and brings it to his mouth. Closer to one and a half years the child should ask for a pot and be able to use it.

If your child does not know how to do something from the above, it does not mean that he is behind in development, surely he knows something else that is not written in this article. All children are different and do not compare them. Above all, remember that the child himself can not learn much, so he counts on your help.