Why does the newborn sneeze?

The fact that sneezing is a normal physiological process and there is even a special term - a physiological rhinitis in the baby , everyone knows, but if a newborn baby starts sneezing often, it seems to mom that it can not be the norm.

Why does the newborn sneeze?

The reasons for sneezing in crumbs are more than enough. The first reason for sneezing newborns is dry air in the room. If the newborn sneezes after feeding or sleeping, then in this way it clears the nasal passages from dust and dried crusts. The mucous nose of the baby dries up, and irritation appears in the form of sneezing. Remove dry crusts can be flagellum from twisted bandage, moistened with baby oil. In order to moisten the air in the room, it is enough to buy a humidifier or to hang wet sheets in the room.

It happens that the newborn begins to sneeze for a walk. This happens often if the baby lives in a densely populated area or near a road. The polluted atmosphere irritates the nasal mucosa and provokes sneezing. This situation is unsafe for the child, because frequent irritation of the mucosa may subsequently cause allergies.

If the sneezing of a newborn is accompanied by a cough and a worsening of the general condition, then this may be a signal symptom of the onset of a cold. Sneezing a child with the development of a cold is usually accompanied by the release of mucus from the nose. Such a situation should alert parents and be an occasion to call a doctor.

What if the newborn sneezes?

The main decision of the question, why a newborn often sneezes, should be a decrease in factors that cause the baby's mucous membrane to dry out. In order for the baby to breathe comfortably, it is necessary to ventilate the room every day. Fresh air is very important for providing oxygen and improving the immunity of the baby. Daily wet cleaning of the room in which the baby is located should become an obligatory rule, because dusty air irritates the mucous membrane of the nose of newborns.