Greenhouse from plastic bottles

Nature must be protected. One way to do this is to collect packagings from different drinks. But what then to do with this heap? Of these, you can make a lot of useful things for the garden: pots for seedlings, pots , beds, flower beds and even a greenhouse. How to make your own hands of plastic and glass bottles of greenhouses, we will tell in this article.

Greenhouse from plastic bottles

Doing it is simple enough. The most important thing is to collect a sufficient amount of building material - identical in size transparent bottles, because they will need not several dozen, but several hundred. In addition, they will need to prepare wooden beams (or bricks), mounting rails and a few skeins of kapron thread. From tools it is necessary to have a cutter, a hammer with nails, as well as a tape measure and a level.

Let's start making a bottle of greenhouse:

  1. We clear the grass and level the chosen place. The greenhouse must be located on the south side of the existing structure. On the perimeter of the proposed structure, we lay bricks or slag blocks to raise it to protect it from moisture.
  2. Collected my bottles and remove labels from them.
  3. We collect from the beams skeleton. First we make a rectangular base, then we set perpendicularly located beams every 1-1.2 m, and then we make a roof. It can be even or pointed.
  4. We pull nylon threads between the beams, so that both ends are opposite each other. The distance between the rows is 30-40 cm.
  5. At the majority of prepared bottles we cut off the bottom. Do this in the place where the bottle begins to taper at the bottom. This is necessary in order for the blanks to be connected tightly to each other.
  6. String the cut off bottles one on one. We do this immediately in the frame. After putting on the second bottle, they should be squeezed well, so that they fit together very tightly. The first container in the row can be cut off on the other side (neck), so that the bottom is more neat. After the whole height is collected, the rows can be additionally sealed with adhesive tape.
  7. First, make the walls, and then the roof, where the wooden beams are installed every 40-50 cm, so that the design does not fail from the bottles. For better sealing, the roof of the finished greenhouse is covered with polyethylene film, but you can not do this.

If you doubt the strength of this design, then you can string rows of bottles on thin iron or plastic rods. In the future, the assembly of the greenhouse will not differ in any way from the method already described.

There is also a second way how one can make a greenhouse out of plastic bottles. For this we need a press, an awl and a thin wire. Cut off the bottom of the bottle and neck, so that when we cut it along, we have a rectangle. After that, we lay them under the press and when they become even, we sew them into pieces equal to the free space in the frame. That there were no gaps, we do this by placing the rectangles overlap. When all the canvases are ready, we attach them to the frame with the help of racks.

Glasshouse of glass bottles

For it, it is necessary to make a foundation, so the mass of such a construction will be significant. After this, using a more liquid solution, we spread the staggered bottles, placing the necks inward. Remains of cement should be removed immediately, until dried. We put cellular polycarbonate on the roof.

Such greenhouses are an excellent alternative to film greenhouses, because their service life is much higher and at the same time, these structures are simply assembled and require a small amount of money costs. Another undisputable advantage is their lack of the need to heat them in the autumn-spring period, because due to the peculiarities of the structure of the bottles and the presence of cavities, they retain heat.