How to plant tulips for the winter?

In order to please your eyes with the abundant flowering of the early tulips in the spring, you should take care of this from the autumn. The rules for planting tulips in autumn are quite simple, but all of them must be observed for the spring amicable blooming. The main problem for both beginners and experienced florists is to correctly choose the time of planting.

Preparation of tulips for planting in autumn

The first step is to make sure that all of the selected planting material is healthy. Every bulb should be thoroughly examined and if rot, even dry, deformation or other suspicious changes is detected, it should be discarded without any regret.

After the quality of the bulbs is checked, they are soaked for several hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate before planting to kill all the microorganisms present on the surface and under the scales, capable of damaging the plant. Instead of manganese, special etchants can be used, sold in garden goods stores.

Preparing the land for landing

The flowerbed under the tulips should be located on a sunny spot, because even in the penumbra in the spring tulips will bloom unfriendly. It is desirable that the place was on a hill - otherwise, in the spring melting of snow, excessive bulking of bulbs and their death is possible.

The earth should be thoroughly digged, remove the slightest weeds. Before planting tulips in autumn it is desirable to make fertilizers: phosphate, wood ash, humus or compost. Fresh manure categorically can not be used before planting bulbs!

At what depth to plant?

Large elite varieties of bulbs need to be buried at least 16 centimeters in the soil. Planting the children of tulips in the autumn means their shallow instillation, about 10 cm. The average size of the bulb is buried approximately to a depth of 12 cm. On heavy loamy soils, the bulbs of the tulips are planted finer, and on light, water-and air-permeable sand - deeper.

Accommodation when planting tulip bulbs in autumn

When planting bulbs of different sizes in the middle of the composition, the largest ones are placed, then the middle ones, and the small ones and the children at the edges. With this planting, when the tulips begin to bloom in the spring, the taller and larger plants will not obscure the small ones.

Contrary to the opinion that the little baby has not yet gained enough strength for wintering, they are still planted with adult bulbs. During the winter period they manage to grow up, and in the spring they blossom well. The main thing is not to deepen them into the soil.

When to plant bulbs of tulips?

And finally, the most basic thing that can most drastically affect the spring flowering, the laying of a good large baby and the size of the bud of a tulip - the month when the bulbs will be planted in the ground.

Before planting tulips for the winter, you should try to forecast the weather for the coming autumn. It is necessary to remember what the weather was in the last three years in the right period. Of course, this can not always be a reliable way, because year on year is not necessary.

In different regions, tulips are planted at different times. So, for example, in the south, you can work in the flower garden until December, after which the plantings are covered with lapnik or any other natural material.

For the central strip, the actual time for bulbous planting will be the second half of October, because before the first frost the bulb should take root, and this is not less than three weeks. If immediately after planting in the kidney the frost will strike, then the plants will die before they can grab the ground.

But too early landing is also fraught with troubles - in warm land tulips begin to actively grow and even can get out of the ground, and the begun frost will destroy the planting.