Effective cough remedy for children - the best drugs and folk remedies

The question of how to choose an effective cough remedy for children sooner or later appears in all parents. You want to get rid of the baby from a spasm quickly, but before buying a medicine, you should understand the origin of the symptom. That is, before going to the pharmacy, you should always consult a pediatrician and, if necessary, undergo a survey.

Why does the child cough?

Cough is a symptom. With the help of spasms, the body tries to clear the respiratory tract and bronchi from various stimuli. An effective cough remedy for children may be required to solve problems of all possible origins. There are two main forms of cough spasms: physiological and pathological. The latter is observed in most diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract:

Physiological cough is considered normal in the daily life of the baby. Thanks to such spasms, the airways are released from sputum and various foreign objects. An effective remedy for physiological cough for children is that there is no need to pick up, because, as a rule, it is short-term, it is not accompanied by any other symptoms and passes by itself. All that parents need to do is to monitor the state of the child and regularly measure the temperature.

There are other causes of coughing in the child. Among them:

What can cure a child's cough?

If the problem persists for several days, you should definitely contact a specialist. The pediatrician will advise that you can give a cough to a baby, an older baby, an adult child. Before the meeting with the doctor, the parents can take the following measures:

  1. The most effective cough remedy for children is fresh air, because in the room where the child lives, you need to create an appropriate climate - cool and moist. The household steam humidifier will help in this.
  2. If the child coughs, but at the same time he does not have a fever, it is necessary to walk with him on the street. This will contribute to the ventilation of the respiratory tract.
  3. Reduce the viscosity of sputum and accelerate the process of recovery is helped by a plentiful drink.

Cough syrup for children

The range of children's cough supplements is great. Most pediatricians agree that cough syrup for children is an effective remedy number one. Drugs in liquid form are usually bright, sweet to the taste, because children can much easier to persuade to take them. All medicines are divided into three main groups:

  1. Antitussive. Acting directly on the cough center, which is located in the brain. They block the cough reflex.
  2. Mucolytics. Are intended for liquefaction of mucus.
  3. Expectorants. Reduce the viscosity of sputum, affecting the stomach. The main task of this group is to clean the bronchi.

The most popular syrups:

Tablets for children cough

Pills are also an effective cough remedy for children. You need to choose the pill depending on what cough the child suffers - dry or wet. In addition, it is important to consider the nature and origin of the concomitant disease. More recently, the assortment of antitussive tablets has been replenished with "pops". Such cough drugs for children are considered more effective, they are pleasant to the taste and completely dissolved in water. However, toddlers up to 3 years old are contraindicated.

In most cases, pediatricians seek help with such remedies:

Cough drops for children

You can find medications of this type today in any pharmacy. Drops are effective and comfortable cough medicine for children. The main advantage is that they can be dissolved in any liquid or added to food. The child will not notice that he is given a drug, and will not row, and for many parents to agree with the child about treatment - a big serious problem.

The following are the recommended ones:

Folk remedies for cough for children

There are many non-traditional methods of fighting cough. Most of them are effective and do not harm the child's body. Plus, and that effective treatment of cough in children with folk remedies is available to families of different incomes. Take, for example, salt therapy. All that is needed for the procedures - a few spoons of sea salt, dissolved in warm water. Put the toys in the solution and let the kids play with them for half an hour. Salt fumes clean the airways and strengthen the immune system, leading to an early recovery.

A well-known effective cough remedy for children is the juice of black radish with honey. To prepare such a medicine is simple: cut the root from the root and clean the middle. In the resulting cup to the top poured honey (or poured sugar). Close the radish and let it persist for the night. In the morning the juice will be collected in the cup. You need to give it a teaspoon three times a day.

The most effective cough remedy for children at the stage of the disease development is potato inhalation. Parents should cook a few root crops - it's best to cook potatoes in a uniform - and put the pot on them on the floor. The child needs to bend over the container, from above it is covered with a dense coverlet. Warm fumes favorably act on the lungs and promote the prompt excretion of phlegm.

The best cough remedies

Each child is helped by his drug. The choice depends on the origin of the cough, the concomitant diseases, age, general health and immunity. Coordinate medication is recommended with pediatricians. The best cough for children is not necessarily expensive. Some medicines are in an affordable price category, but they are effective and safe for children's health.

Effective against dry cough for children

Children of any age should be selected carefully, but with special care should choose drugs for children under two years. At this age they still do not know how to expectorate, so before starting therapy, consult a pediatrician. The best means of dry cough, in most cases, are selected from the list of such medications:

Effective remedy for wet cough for children

A child up to a year is best to buy syrups. Older children are approached by different forms of medication. Wet cough can not be treated with mucolytics. To combat this problem, drugs from the expectorant group should be used. The best remedies for wet cough:

Means for all types of cough for children

Universal drugs help fight cough of different origins. If the cause of the spasms is an allergy, for example, parents can not do without antihistamines - Lorano, Suprastin, Loratidine and others. With problems of bacterial origin, antibiotics will be needed. The most suitable are appointed by pediatricians, depending on the pathogen that has affected the children's body.

When a child's cough does not go away, experts choose the effective remedy from such drugs: