Divination "Love Triangle"

Quite often there are everyday stories, in which the husband has to be torn between two lives: his family and his mistress. But a love triangle that is stable for a long time will make very few people happy, and therefore there will be those who resort to divination for amorous affairs.

Guessing on a loved one: "Love triangle"

Do you consider yourself strong, confident and independent of any woman? In this case, faced with this situation, you realize that you feel like a little confused girl, who does not know how to act properly? Immediately there is a series of thoughts-doubts about your beauty, attractiveness, sexuality . You wonder: "Did he find someone more beautiful, smarter than me." When you decide to betray, a love triangle will find answers to questions of this kind. It was his magic that was created in order to pull off the cloak of mystery with such a terrible phenomenon as treason of a loved one. But it is important to remember that divination can help you to understand in detail both the betrayal of the husband and the betrayal of friends.

Before turning to the layout itself, we note that the magic of the love triangle will open before you the following:

  1. Personality of the one who takes away your happiness, home warmth and love of your own conjugal soul. You will know what it is better than you and what plans your beloved builds with respect to his new passion.
  2. Maps tell you about the feelings and thoughts of the faithful. After all, which sometimes happens, the anxiety suddenly ripened in your heart can be in vain. Maybe your beloved, having committed adultery, in fact repents, and this indicates that he will be ready to do anything to deserve your forgiveness.
  3. A dangerous love triangle appears before you, as in the palm of your hand. You will be able to understand what will lead to treason and how this situation will develop. Remember, what happens also is that this difficult life period will only strengthen the love of your half to you. So, maybe you do not need to tear your hair, suspecting something is wrong in the behavior of your Casanova.
  4. Moreover, card magic will tell you what the consequences of your behavior are. Sometimes it is the wrong behavior of the wife that can bring a much greater damage to married life than the very fact of betrayal.
  5. And most importantly, you realize: for what reason the love of your life has changed your wedding vow. Thanks to this, you will understand who is really right and who is to blame.
  6. With ease, you will find the answer to the question: "What should be done to return the former happiness?". You will develop an extremely precise scheme, which will result in neutralizing the influence of a third party.

The layout of the "Love Triangle"

Now we pass to the most basic, without which divination will be impossible, - to a brief and informative scenario. The situation should be considered with any components for you (for example, he / she / she, she / he / she).


-------- 2 --- 3 ------

------ 4 ------ 5 -----

----- 6 -------- 7 ----

--- 8 --- 10--11 --- 9

Thus, the left side of the triangle is referred to the querent, and the right part to the current competitor.

  1. - designation of a man. Shows all that is necessary to know about him querent.
  2. - Bare all the male feelings and emotions in relation to the querent.
  3. - emotions, feelings that he feels for another woman.
  4. - The appeal of the sexual nature of the querent in the eyes of your man.
  5. - the same sex appeal, but already in the female eyes.
  6. - shows everything that a man does not like.
  7. - anything a woman does not like.
  8. - a man's attitude towards serious relations with the querent.
  9. - his relationship to marriage or serious relationship with the querent.
  10. - By itself, a future relationship with the querent.
  11. - future relationship with another woman.

Finally I want to note, when you decided to guess, do not tell anyone in any way what the love triangle told you. Also do not go with the same question to different fortunetellers.