Colic in newborns: what to do?

When a newborn suddenly starts crying for no reason, it is commonly believed that he has colic. This is not entirely true, since there are many reasons for this behavior. In order to be convinced of the correctness of your guesses, consult a pediatrician who at the same time and will tell you how to help a newborn with colic, if they really pester the baby.

Symptoms of colic in newborns

Intestinal colic in newborns is the result of overstrain of the muscles of the intestine, which arises because of the difficult separation of gases filling its cavity. The most common manifestations are:

Colic in newborns: causes

The causes of colic in newborns are not clear until the end. There are suggestions that their appearance can be predicted during the period of intrauterine development: if the future mother smokes, is nervous if the baby is to be born in the summer and he is a boy. Also put forward hypotheses about the child's meteorological sensitivity and possible violations of the hormonal balance of the mother.

Traditionally, among the causes of colic, the following are called:

As the main preventive method for a breastfed infant, a diet of lactating mothers with colic is recommended, which includes the following nutritional restrictions:

In addition, you should remember about the ways of cooking: food is strictly not recommended to fry, it is better to cook, bake, steaming.

How many colic in newborns?

Usually seizures begin at about age 3 weeks and last up to 3 months, occurring at a frequency of 2-4 times a week.

Colic in newborns: what to do?

Newly-baked parents, faced with the problem of colic, are ready to do anything to alleviate the condition of the baby, so vulnerable to painful spasms, that is why in the first months of life the child is most often referred to doctors with only one question: how to treat colic in newborns?

To begin with, you should calm down and do not panic. Colic is not a pathology, but only a temporary, inevitable state through which most children go. Before giving medicines for colic in newborns (it can be infakol, riabal, espumizan and so on - let your doctor say what to give to a newborn in colic), try the following methods:

  1. Heat. Iron iron on both sides of the diaper, attach it to the tummy, holding the baby on his hand. Heat calms spasms. A warm bath acts in a similar way.
  2. Massage with colic in newborns. Moderately, strongly tug the tummy clockwise. You can connect and gymnastics elements, bending the legs of the baby and pressing them to the tummy.
  3. After each feeding, wear the baby in a column so that he spits excess air.
  4. If the baby has colic caused by excessive gas generation, use a gas outlet tube or a clyster, with a cut pear, to remove the gases. Also cope with such colic glycerin suppositories or a piece of baby soap inserted into the anus of the baby that help him "prochukatsya."