New Year's salad "Horseshoe" - a gift to the coming year Horses

To construct something edible for the holiday will not be particularly difficult, but the upcoming holiday itself is in keeping with the theme of the year of the horse. One of the options to "cajole" the coming Horse is a horseshoe-shaped salad, which we decided to devote to this article.

Horseshoe salad with chicken

Elementarily simple and easy-to-prepare salad will please the guests not only with their taste, but also with their original appearance.


For salad:

For decoration:


Chicken fillet is cleaned of excess fat and boiled in salted water. Boiled meat is cooled and cut into cubes. Onions are also cut into cubes and fried in vegetable oil until soft. Korean carrots cut into smaller pieces, and chicken eggs boiled hard.

We proceed to the formation of salad. Separate the egg white from the yolk and rub it on a fine grater. We lay out the squirrel in the form of a horseshoe on the prepared dish. Lubricate the protein with a thin layer of mayonnaise and spread over pieces of boiled fillet. Lubricate still one layer of mayonnaise and put onions and carrots. We rub the yolk on a small grater, grease the onions and carrots with a layer of mayonnaise, we spread the yolk on top. We put another layer of mayonnaise and sprinkle the salad with grated cheese.

Let's let the salad soak in the fridge and start decorating. On the perimeter of the horseshoe lay out a pattern of olives and olives, cucumber, tomato and radish cut into thin strips and form buds of them. We spread the buds on top of the horseshoe and serve the salad to the table.

Vegetable Horseshoe salad



We boil the potatoes until they are ready in uniform and cool. We peel the tubers from the peel and cut into small cubes, or three on a large grater.

Beets are also boiled, cooled, cleaned and rubbed. Chicken fillet boil, or bake, seasoning with salt and pepper. Cut the fillet into small cubes.

We cut the onions in half rings and fry until soft in vegetable oil.

Now it's time to form a salad: put boiled potatoes on the bottom of the salad bowl, cover it with mayonnaise, spread the boiled fillet and fried onions, cover with another layer of mayonnaise and sprinkle with chopped walnuts. On the penultimate layer we spread the cut beets and peas, grease all with mayonnaise and cover with a grated egg.

To a salad in the shape of a horseshoe could be laid out exactly without any problems, use a special ring for salads, or a shape cut from a 3-liter bottle. Lay the layers around the shape without closing the edges, and then decorate the prepared salad with herbs and serve it to the table.

Horseshoe salad with mushrooms



Carrots and potatoes are boiled in uniforms, cleaned and cut into cubes. Cucumber and canned mushrooms are cut in the same way. Eggs boil hard boiled and crushed. Mix all the ingredients with herbs. We fill the salad with a mixture of sour cream and garlic and put it on a plate in the shape of a horseshoe. On top of the horseshoe we put olive slices and serve the salad to the table.

Variety of your festive table can also be salads "Trumpet stump" and "Malachite bracelet" .