Gypsum on the hand

A fracture of the arm is a violation of the integrity of the bones of the upper limb. Such a trauma can occur in the forearm or humerus, in the hand or in the fingers. Correct splicing of bones and rapid normalization of limb functions are very important for a person, so a plaster on the arm must be worn during a fracture to all patients.

How much should I wear a plaster on my hand?

The timing of the adhesion depends on the severity of the injury and the location of its localization. Asking the doctor how much to wear a plaster with a broken arm without a shift, you will most likely hear that the bandage should be walked for at least 3 weeks. Usually broken fingers are usually restored about a month later, and the forearm or hand - in two. The radial bone will be able to function normally only after 1.5 months. If the injury is serious and accompanied by the displacement of bones, then the removal of plaster after a fracture of the hand can be done only after 3 months.

In elderly people and people who suffer from diabetes , the recovery period will be even longer. They have a broken arm in plaster should be at least 4 months old. More precise terms will tell the doctor after the patient undergoes an X-ray examination.

Injured limb, fixed in a plaster bandage, can hurt. Usually soreness persists for 7 days. Those with severe pain are shown taking pain medication.

Puffiness with a fracture of the hand

Puffiness is a fairly common phenomenon after a fracture of the hand. Most often it is temporary. Does the swelling persist for a long time? To eliminate it, it is necessary to do therapeutic gymnastics and undergo special procedures:

If the puffiness appeared on the hand after removing the gypsum, it is necessary to apply to the limb ointments or gels that in a short period of time will improve blood circulation in the damaged area, for example, Lazonil or Indovazin .