Acute otitis media

Acute otitis media is a rapidly developing inflammation of the middle ear of an infectious nature. The disease is caused by viruses, bacteria or fungi. There are also cases when otitis has a viral-bacterial etiology. As a rule, infection from adjacent areas penetrates into the tympanum. The factors predisposing to the disease are:

The nature of inflammation in acute otitis media

There are the following stages of otitis media:

Acute catarrhal otitis media often develops with viral infections. The swelling that arises in the upper respiratory tract seizes the mucous membranes of the auditory tube and causes a violation of its protective, ventilating and drainage functions. As a result of reducing the pressure in the ear cavity, a transudate - a non-inflammatory liquid - flows from the nasopharynx.

Acute serous (exudative) otitis media develops with the progression of catarrhal otitis. In this case, the fluid released into the tympanum becomes inflammatory. A fully-conducted therapy at this stage of the disease leads to recovery. The absence of the same treatment can lead to the development of fibrosing otitis media, formed in the tissues of the middle ear, scars lead to a persistent hearing loss.

Acute suppurative otitis media - purulent inflammation of the mucous membrane of the tympanic cavity with the capture of other parts of the middle ear, and sometimes the periosteum. The excretion of pus leads to ulceration and erosion. The accumulation of inflammatory fluid can cause the tympanic membrane to bulge outward. If the patient does not help, the patient may experience a perforation of the membrane and the outflow of pus outwards.

Treatment of acute otitis media

Acute otitis media is treated as an outpatient, hospitalization is only indicated if complications develop. The patient is prescribed ear drops-anesthetics:

Preparations in the ear should be instilled into the body temperature, and after the procedure, cover the ear canal with a cotton swab with Vaseline.

In addition to anesthetics, otitis media apply vasoconstrictive drops:

General therapy is also performed with the help of:

A rapid therapeutic effect is observed when the auditory tube is blown and washed with antibiotic solutions. These treatment procedures can only be done by a specialist. In addition, physiotherapy (UHF, UFO) is prescribed.