Strongly swelling legs - what to do?

Edema is a pathological accumulation of fluid in tissues. Often, puffy symptoms signal about cardiovascular diseases and kidney problems, but there are other causes of edema formation. To find out what to do, if your legs are swollen, you should first of all find out the genesis of the disease. Let's listen to the recommendations of specialists about what to do with the appearance of strong leg edema.

What if my legs hurt very much?

If swelling of the legs occurs rarely or at the moment you can not choose the time to undergo a medical examination, the following measures should be taken:

  1. Limit the amount of salt and liquid consumed.
  2. Make daily foot basins with essential oils, sea salt or diluted mineral water. Also useful are contrasting trays.
  3. Perform self-massage of the feet and legs, starting from the fingertips and rising higher.
  4. Do physical exercises for the feet.
  5. Arrange the positional drainage for 30 minutes every day (raise the legs at an angle of 30-45 degrees to the padded blanket-roll).

What if the legs are swollen and what is the most effective treatment?

After the examination, the doctor should explain in detail what to do if the legs are swollen and aching as a result of this or that disease. General tips are presented below.

Venous edema

Often, a similar phenomenon occurs with varicose veins or thrombosis. Along with the organization of positional drainage in such diseases, it is recommended to wear compression stockings or, in extreme cases, to make bandages. The procedure should be performed in the morning in the supine position. It is important for venous edema not to allow constipation and to avoid lifting weights. Recommended reception of venotonicks:

Lymphatic edema

Such edemas are formed as a result of blockage of lymphatic vessels or accompany malignant tumors. With this form of edema it is useful to do:

Cardiac and renal edema

With nephrotic and cardiac edema, treatment begins with the restriction of water-salt load and the introduction of a diet. A systematic treatment of the disease is prescribed. Under the prohibition of alcohol and smoking. With kidney diseases, diuretics are prescribed.

What to do if the legs are strongly swollen - folk remedies

Traditional medicine has worked out a lot of ways to do it when the legs and feet are swollen by the evening. We offer a few simple but effective recipes.

Diuretic composition:

  1. To get the simplest diuretic mixed in half a glass of juices (carrot, lemon, cucumber).
  2. 1.5 cups of the mixture is diluted with boiled water.
  3. Drink in 3 divided doses per day.

Infusion of flaxseed:

  1. A tablespoon of flax seed is poured with a liter of boiling water, boiled for 12-15 minutes.
  2. For about an hour, the liquid is filtered and drunk in half a cup every 2 hours.

Onion juice:

  1. 2 medium-sized bulbs cut into thin slices.
  2. Fall asleep with sugar and leave for the night.
  3. In the morning, squeeze the juice and drink it in one go.

Potato packs:

  1. Grated potatoes are applied to sore spots for 1 hour.
  2. After the procedure, the feet should not be washed.

Baths against leg swelling:

  1. Birch leaves taken in equal proportions, mint and chamomile are poured with steep boiling water. After the infusion has cooled and becomes saturated, it is diluted with hot water. Keep the foot in the bath for 10 minutes.
  2. 100 g of sea salt is mixed with 100 g of juniper berries, a tablespoon of dry mustard and a teaspoon of soda. All components are poured with boiling water. After the infusion slightly cool, the legs soar in it.