Hair is split all along - what to do?

Beauty, elasticity and shine curls directly depend on their health. Unfortunately, maintaining it is rather difficult, especially with frequent styling, staining, chemical curling and other adverse effects. Because of these factors, many women have their hair split all along - what to do in this situation is difficult to solve, because a short haircut is not for everyone. Experienced hairdressers have a whole arsenal of methods for solving this problem, but treatment of strands must begin with finding out the reasons for the appearance of a defect.

Why does the hair split the entire length?

To provoke a considered pathology can not only aggressive or insufficient leaving, but also following factors:

Having ascertained the cause of the problem, it must be eliminated, this will prevent recurrence in the future.

What kind of treatment is required when the hair is severely cut along the entire length

Simultaneously with basic therapy it is important to deal with the symptoms of the described defect.

The easiest way, of course, is to cut the split hair along the entire length. If you do not want to cut the curls severely, you can ask the master to carefully remove the damaged parts by twisting - individual strands are wrapped in a not too tight tourniquet, and the dry ends sticking out at the sides are cut. Hairstyle instantly acquires a more well-groomed and neat appearance.

Another option for removing split ends over the entire length is polishing . This is a relatively new way to solve the problem under consideration, but it is already quite popular. For the procedure, you need a special nozzle-polisher, which is worn on a conventional hair clipper. Grasping one strand, the master carefully processes it, slowly holding the apparatus along the curl 5-7 times. Thanks to this, neatly cut off all protruding hairs, knocking out of the bulk of the head of hear.

The third technique, which has a lot of fans, is a haircut with hot scissors. The technology is quite simple - thanks to the cutting of hair with hot blades, the ends of each strand along the entire length are melted and securely sealed. This prevents their damage, excessive dryness and delamination, ensures the preservation of nutrients and vitamins.

For the prevention of the section, stylists are advised to visit the salon regularly, at least once every 3-4 months.